
Initial Publication Date: March 16, 2015

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice: Focuses on one or more dimensions of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice (DEIJ). This encompasses a wide range of topics including anti-racism, accessibility, ethics, and broadening access to education.

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice

Results 1 - 10 of 14 matches

Expanding HBCU Pathways for Geoscience Education
The GP-IMPACT: Expanding HBCU Pathways for Geoscience Education aims to identify the challenges and opportunities related to improving minority access to the geosciences across educational levels and specifically at HBCUs. SERC supported the completion of the qualitative study of geoscience efforts at participating HBCUs and developing and hosting the website which holds the results.
Project Focus: Changing Education Systems, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Evaluation, Product Dissemination
The goal of the IGUaNA project is to attract a diverse population of students to geophysics through the development of teaching materials that highlight the application of geophysical tools and methods to societally-relevant questions, including environmental, engineering, and forensic questions in urban settings. SERC provided the PIs with website hosting, formative and summative evaluation, and workshop design and facilitation expertise.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Evaluation, Professional Development, Event Development/Facilitation
Network of STEM Education Centers
NSEC is an organization of campus-based centers and offices that serve as catalysts for educational transformation in STEM. The network allows center leadership, university and college administrators, and state and national policymakers to have a central hub for their communal efforts. SERC works with NSEC to develop a number of resources that can assist STEM Education Centers in their missions and development. The STEM Ed Center Toolkit, Research Action Clusters, Center Profiles, as well as a number of virtual and in person events such as the Transforming Institutions conferences.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Changing Education Systems, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Career Support for Educators
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Professional Development, Organizational Backbone, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Website Hosting and Development
By providing researchers and professionals with learning opportunities related to mentorship, AK UNiTE aims to expand the ability of Alaskan students, particularly historically marginalized groups, to participate in biological research in Alaska. Connecting students from diverse backgrounds to place-based research with culturally responsive mentors is one method to increase retention in the biological sciences. SERC provides web hosting for the project and also helps design and facilitate some of the professional development that project participants receive.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Network and Community Building
SERC Role: Event Development/Facilitation, Website Hosting and Development
Mental Health in the Geosciences
The workshop on Positive Mental Health in the Geosciences focused on building community and gathering information from attendees and psychologists to help us assess how mental health is being addressed in formal and informal geoscience communities, and identify outstanding needs. SERC designed and facilitated the workshop with the Geological Society of America.
Project Focus: Supporting Student Success, Career Support for Educators, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
SERC Role: Event Development/Facilitation, Website Hosting and Development
The EarthConnections collective impact alliance developed regionally focused, education pathways that support students in locally relevant, Earth-science. SERC is the lead on this project.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Evaluation, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Organizational Backbone, Website Hosting and Development, Content Expertise:Geoscience, Event Development/Facilitation
This project supports geoscience instructors with tools and teaching materials for geoethics. SERC helped design and continues to host the website.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Product Dissemination
National Institute for Faculty Equity
Minorities and women, minority women in particular, are underrepresented in academia, even more so in the STEM disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Members of these underrepresented groups represent an untapped resource. The National Institute for Faculty Equity seeks to address this persistent problem, in part by institutionalizing the professional development and career success of women and minorities in STEM. This website offers resources for underrepresented faculty in engineering, including presentations and from the Minority Faculty Development workshops and the Cross-Disciplinary Initiative for Minority Women Faculty conference. SERC hosts the project's materials as well as provided a web platform for project personnel to use for annual events.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Career Support for Educators
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Professional Development, Product Dissemination, Event Development/Facilitation
This project provides an engaging outdoor field experience for the student participants that will influence their choice of major, provide mentorship opportunities for upper-level undergraduates, create positive and lasting student-student and student-faculty mentor relationships, provide meaningful research experiences for the students, and create a strong cohort of students across multiple institutions. As external evaluators, SERC uses a mixed methods approach to triangulate qualitative and quantitative data from surveys and interviews to provide to make informed project improvements.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind
SERC Role: Evaluation
IE3: Meaningful evaluation of effective and inclusive teaching (LCC4)
IE3 Learning Community Cluster 4 (LCC4) is working to make substantial, cross-institutional progress toward meaningful evaluation of inclusive teaching by working collaboratively on three important pillars underlying meaningful evaluation of inclusive and effective teaching - Policies, Instructor Development, and Sources of Evidence. SERC provides an organizational backbone and framework for the work of the project in addition to design and facilitation of some project activities.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Supporting Student Success
SERC Role: Professional Development, Organizational Backbone, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Event Development/Facilitation, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Website Hosting and Development