Resources and Further Reading
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Adamec, B.H. and Asher, P. M. (2013). The Important Role of Two-Year Colleges in the Earth and Space Sciences. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. Report from a planning workshop to create Unique Research Experiences for two-year-College faculty And Students (URECAS): An integrated research and transfer program.
Beckman, M. and N. Hensel (2009). Making Explicit the Implicit: Defining Undergraduate Research. CUR Quarterly, v 29, n 4.
Bauer, K. & Bennett, J. (2003). Alumni perceptions used to assess undergraduate research experiences. Journal of Higher Education: 74(2), 210-230.
Cejda, B.D. and N. Hensel (eds.) (2009). Undergraduate Research at Community Colleges. Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research.
Kortz, K.M. and K.J. Kraft (2016). Geoscience Education Research Project: Student Benefits and Effective Design of a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience, Journal of Geoscience Education, v 64, n 1, p 24–36.
Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S., & Masia, B.B. (1964). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Book 2, Affective Domain. New York: Longman.
Kuh, G.D., Kinzie, J., & Buckley, J.A. (2007). Piecing Together the Student Success Puzzle: Research, Propositions, and Recommendations. ASHE Higher Education Report, 32(5), pp. 7-21.
Lopatto, D. (2004). Survey of undergraduate research experiences (SURE): First findings. Cell Biology Education3, 270-277.
Lopatto, (2009). Science in Solution: The Impact of Undergraduate Research on Student Learning. Tucson, AZ: Research Corporation for Science Advancement.
Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring: PURM is an open, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal supporting the mission of undergraduate research and the programs that strive to provide undergraduate students opportunities to participate in scholarly activities with faculty mentors.
Federal Programs
NSF: Search for an REU Site - The NSF REU program is encouraging universities to partner with community colleges to provide their students with a research experience.
Undergraduate Opportunities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) - Many of the internships available through ORNL are open to students at community colleges and the Department of Energy Community College Internship (CCI) is designed specifically for 2YC students.
Professional Society Programs
IRIS Internship Program - IRIS currently offers a paid summer internship in seismology for undergraduates who have completed math and science requirements. John Taber of the IRIS Consortium notes how they are currently looking to expand internship program to 2YC.
RESESS: Research Experiences in Solid Earth Science for Students - UNAVCO's RESESS program is a summer research internship program dedicated to increasing the diversity of students entering the geosciences.
NASA Internships, Fellowships, and Scholarships: This website allows students to search through all of the internship, fellowship, and scholarship opportunities available through NASA.
Dorothy Stout Professional Development Grants - The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) awards small grants to 2YC geoscience faculty and students for the purposes of participation in Earth science classes, workshops, or field trips, purchase of classroom materials, and/or participation in professional meetings.
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) - CUR focuses on providing undergraduate research opportunities for faculty and students at all institutions serving undergraduate students. CUR has a number of resources specifically of interest to geoscience faculty at two-year colleges.
- Programs for Community Colleges
- CUR Geoscience Division
- Undergraduate Research at Community Colleges
- CUR Quarterly
Community College Undergraduate Research Initiative (CCURI) - CCURI uses an inquiry-based teaching model where students are exposed to real world science through a case study in an introductory course followed by a hands-on research experience resulting from questions about or related to the case.
On the Cutting Edge: Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty
On the Cutting Edge: Undergraduate Research as Teaching Practice
On the Cutting Edge has held two events to facilitate community discussion of undergraduate research. In 2011, Cutting Edge partnered with CUR to bring together a group of geoscience faculty to discuss and write web-based resources addressing various aspects of undergraduate research, including best-practices. The resulting Strategies to Involve Undergraduates in Research: Upper Division Courses, Independent Study, and REU's module provides a deep look into the issues via essays and case studies written and reviewed collaboratively by the participants.
In 2014, Cutting Edge held another workshop focused on research for lower-division students. Undergraduate Research in Earth Science Classes: Engaging Students in the First Two Years brought together 2YC and 4YC faculty to discuss and disseminate best-practices for undergraduate research and provide advice for faculty getting students engaged with research early in their college years.
Presentations: Two-Year College Collaborations and Research
Two-Year College Sessions and Presentations at AGU 2011: This page captures talks and sessions from the 2011 AGU Fall Meeting that were of interest to two-year college faculty, including a session "Two-Year College Collaborations and Research: Broadening Participation and Enhancing Geoscience Education". Presentations and abstracts are available via this page for the talks during the session.
- [ED11E-01] Using GIS with real-time water quality assessment to guide scientific inquiry and learning in a community college environmental studies program
- [ED11E-02] Research Experiences in Community College Science Programs
- [ED11E-03] M.E.S.A, Not just a Seat at the Table: A Chicano Geology Student's Experience with Investigative Field Research
- [ED11E-04] Increasing Minority Participation and Matriculation in the Geosciences at El Paso Community College
- [ED11E-05] Geoscience at Community Colleges: Availability of Programs and Geoscience Student Pathways (Invited)
- [ED11E-06] The Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence: Partnering with Community Colleges to Enhance Ocean Education and Broaden Participation. (Invited)
- [ED11E-07] Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Geoscience Education and Broadening Participation in the Geosciences at Two-year Colleges (Invited)
- [ED11E-08] Website Resources and Support for Two-Year College Geoscience Educators