Reinforce that Diversity and Equity Matter
Define Terms
- The Oxford English Dictionary defines diversity as "a range of different things." When referring to people, those "different things" include, but are not limited to, the following: race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, culture, religion, disabilities (visible and invisible), veteran status, sexual orientation.
- Equity is not the same as Equality. Equality is treating everyone the same. Equity is giving everyone what they need to be successful. Everyone needs assistance of some kind, though how much and what kind will vary by individual. Providing the same supports to everyone ends up serving some students very well but others not at all. Striving for equity breaks down that one-size-fits-all approach to be responsive to individual needs and differences.
Demonstrate how Diversity and Equity Lead to Better Results
Looking at a subject from as many viewpoints as possible provides us with a more complete understanding of the important issues. There is a large body of research on diversity and group outcomes --- when there is a diverse group working on a problem, the outcomes are typically better (e.g. Page, 2008; Herring, 2009; Rock and Grant, 2016). Increasing diversity in the geosciences means welcoming, including, and valuing points of view that are different from the view that dominates the geosciences currently.
- Diversity in STEM: What It Is and Why It Matters (Scientific American)
- Making a Case for Diversity in STEM Fields (Inside Higher Ed)
- Why Science Needs More Diversity (Pacific Standard)
Be Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
Materials for Faculty Workshops
Diversity in action: Broadening participation through strategies for inclusion: This workshop session is designed to deepen faculty members' knowledge of evidence-based strategies for inclusion.
No one, especially educators, wants to think that they have neglected a point of view, or that they are excluding anyone from a discussion. No one can escape implicit bias, and a host of other exclusionary biases that are part of how a person forms a world view. However, there are ways to address our own discomfort, and these are generally centered around simply realizing that everyone has blind spots and being open to learning how to do better. It is also important to learn and grow as more research informs the ways words and actions can marginalize or welcome disparate voices to the conversation.
- Herring, C. (2009). Does Diversity Pay?: Race, Gender, and the Business Case for Diversity. American Sociological Review, 74(2), 208-224.
- Page, S.E. (2008). The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies. Princeton University Press. 456 p.
- Rock, D., and Grant, H. (2016). Why Diverse Teams Are Smarter. Harvard Business Review.
- Núñez, A., Rivera, J., and Hallmark, T. (2019). Applying an intersectionality lens to expand equity in the geosciences. Journal of Geoscience Education.