A collection of resources related to understanding complex earth systems.

Results 1 - 10 of 27 matches

Scientific Argumentation in Earth System Science Education part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Diane Schweizer Clayton, Catherine Gautier
We investigate the merit of including deliberate instruction on argumentation and debate in an undergraduate Earth system science course. We examine sample student evaluations of arguments ...
Research on Learning: Affective Domain:Teaching Controversial Topics, Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Cognitive Domain

The Role of Scaffolding Student Metacognition in Developing Mental Models of Complex Earth and Environmental Systems part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Bruce E. Herbert
Students organize knowledge in Earth and environmental sciences and reason about environmental issues through manipulation of mental models. The nature of the Earth and environmental sciences, which ...

Research on Learning: Instructional Design:Use of Technology, Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Instructional Design:Scaffolding, Cognitive Domain:How information is organized:Mental models, Cognitive Domain:Metacognition

Inquiry learning through students' East-West Coast online collaboration about plate tectonics part of SERC Print Resource Collection
J. Gobert
This paper describes a collaborative online project about plate tectonic activity involving middle and high school students in California and Massachusetts. The students collaborated online using ...

Research on Learning: Instructional Design:Inquiry-Based Learning, Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Instructional Design:Use of Technology, Cognitive Domain:How information is organized:Mental models

Causality in Complex Dynamic Systems: A Challenge in Earth Systems Science Education part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Federica Raia
This paper explores the concepts of causality necessary to understand complex system behavior and evolution and simple but important steps in teaching about complexity can support students in ...

Research on Learning: Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Cognitive Domain:How information is organized:Mental models

Designing Coherent Science Education: Implications for Curriculum, Instruction, and Policy part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Yael Kali, Marcia C. Linn, Jo Ellen Roseman
Too often in today's science classes, students learn isolated facts but are unprepared to apply scientific thinking outside of checking off answers on standardized tests. Designing Coherent ...

Research on Learning: Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Instructional Design, Cognitive Domain:How information is organized

Outside the Lines: Issues in Interdisciplinary Research part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Liora Salter, Alison Hearn (eds.)
This book explores the nature and practice of interdisciplinary research in Canada. Contributors address the ways in which interdisciplinary research is defined, positioned, and handled by ...

Research on Learning: Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems

Spatial Ability and Earth Science Conceptual Understanding part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Alice A. (Jill) Black
Relatively little research has considered the relationship of spatial abilities with common misconceptions and broader conceptual difficulties in the Earth sciences. This article from the Journal of ...

Research on Learning: Geoscience Expertise:Geologic Time, Complex Systems, Cognitive Domain:Misconceptions/barriers to learning, Spatial Intelligence

Water Towers, Pump Houses, and Mountain Streams: Students' Ideas about Watersheds part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Daniel P. Shepardson, Jon Harbor, Bryan Wee
The watershed concept is important in many areas of geology and environmental science, and the purpose of this study was to investigate students' ideas about watersheds and how these ideas ...

Research on Learning: Spatial Intelligence, Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems

Exploring the Social, Moral, and Temporal Qualities of Pre-Service Teachers' Narratives of Evolution part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Deirdre Hahn, Sarah K Brem, Steven Semken
This study, published in the Journal of Geoscience Education, presents the idea that addressing personal barriers and misunderstandings that might impede geoscience education may become an effective ...

Research on Learning: Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Cognitive Domain:Misconceptions/barriers to learning

Groundwater Field Station for Geoscience Students part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Paul F. Hudak
This article from the Journal of Geography describes how to create a low-cost groundwater field station for a college hydrogeology course. The article discusses how students use the station to ...

Research on Learning: Geoscience Expertise:Complex Systems, Ways Of Learning:Active/Kinesthetic/Experiential


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