Workshop Outcomes

The following collections of materials were submitted by faculty participants at the 2016 Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB workshop. The collections include MATLAB activities that get students analyzing data sets, creating visualizations, and using models. See the workshop synthesis to learn more about the workshop.

Teaching Activities

In association with our October 2016 workshop, participants provided activities that show of how they incorporate computation using MATLAB. These have been organized into a browsable collection.
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In association with our October 2016 workshop, participants also wrote essays about their experiences teaching computation in the sciences and engineering using MATLAB. These are presented in a browsable collection of essays.
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Course Descriptions

We invite you to provide descriptions of courses in which you teach computation using MATLAB.

Follow-on Products

Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB Interest Group

If you are interested in sharing ideas and discussing strategies for teaching computation with MATLAB, join the community! Whether you're just getting started or have been teaching computation using MATLAB for years, this is the place for you.

Workshop Synthesis

Key ideas from the workshop are summarized in the workshop synthesis. This page focuses on the role of computation in undergraduate science courses, crosscutting computational learning outcomes, models for helping students develop computational skills, and strategies and resources to help faculty incorporate computation using MATLAB into their courses and degree programs.

Pedagogical Resources

The following pages are built around concepts that were generated in presentations, discussions, and breakout groups at the workshop, and include pedagogic guidance as well as related materials drawn from On the Cutting Edge and other projects across the SERC website.