
Results 1 - 10 of 31 matches

Teaching Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB
Paul Kassebaum, MathWorks
Paul Kassebaum, MathWorks - updated February 2021 by Temo Vekua, MathWorks Please refer to the files attached to this SERC submission, which includes formulae and images that could not be included in this text ...

Beginning to incorporate computation and Matlab into my courses
Carlye Peterson, Cuesta College
Carlye Dian Peterson, Earth Science, University of California-Davis Beginning to incorporate computation and Matlab into my courses Carlye D. Peterson One of the skills I want my students to be proficient at is ...

Lack of computation in introductory geoscience courses
Aida Farough
Aida Farough, Manhattan, Kansas State University Many aspects of Geosciences are dependent on computational modeling, mantle dynamics on Earth and other planets, deep ocean hydrothermal circulation, and climate ...

Baby-Steps Bring More Computation (or at least "math") into Biology and more Biology into Math
Anne Walter, Saint Olaf College
Anne Walter, , Saint Olaf College A number of us at St. Olaf have been saying for years that mathematical prowess and tools are needed for successful biological research and understanding and that conversely more ...

The dynamical nature of Nature
Sean Bartz, Indiana State University
Sean Bartz, Physics, Macalester College There are a variety of very strong arguments for teaching computation as part of the undergraduate physics curriculum. Students are likely to need computation in any future ...

The skills gap between the graduates we produce and the graduate students we'd like to recruit (or, "How I bit the bullet and tried to teach computing.")
Gareth Funning, University of California-Riverside
Gareth Funning, Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside I once overheard one of my graduate students, chatting to a visitor about his Masters research. "I think it's gone ...

Introducing Numerical Modeling to Undergraduate Geology Majors
Gregory Hancock, College of William and Mary
Greg Hancock, Geology, College of William and Mary Although numerical modeling has become a significant tool in the Earth sciences, geology majors are generally not exposed to the process of model construction and ...

Computing for 3rd year Geoscience Undergraduates
Dylan Mikesell, Boise State University
Dylan Mikesell, Geosciences, Boise State University My experience teaching computation is limited (I just started my second year as an Assistant Professor), but I use computing in all of my research. I strongly ...

Helping students tinker with the black box
Benjamin Bratton, Vanderbilt University
Benjamin Bratton, Molecular Biology, Princeton University The increasingly quantitative and interdisciplinary nature of biological research has led us to add a BioMath Bootcamp summer course for graduate students ...

Victor Padron, Normandale Community College
Victor Padron, Mathematics, Normandale Community College "Mathematics does not grow through a monotonous increase of the number of indubitably established theorems but through the incessant improvement of ...