
Results 1 - 10 of 31 matches

Teaching Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB
Paul Kassebaum, MathWorks
Paul Kassebaum, MathWorks - updated February 2021 by Temo Vekua, MathWorks Please refer to the files attached to this SERC submission, which includes formulae and images that could not be included in this text ...

Using and Learning Matlab in Geomorphology of Rivers: Experiences with Advanced Students and Research
Andrew Darling, Colorado State University
Andrew Darling, Geosciences, Colorado State University The situation in which I think about teaching computation in science classes parallels the teaching activity I have uploaded. As is often the case, relatively ...

Beginning to incorporate computation and Matlab into my courses
Carlye Peterson, Cuesta College
Carlye Dian Peterson, Earth Science, University of California-Davis Beginning to incorporate computation and Matlab into my courses Carlye D. Peterson One of the skills I want my students to be proficient at is ...

Using computation to understand statistics through climatology
Janel Hanrahan, Lyndon State College
Janel Hanrahan, Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndon State College Put simply, climate is the statistics of weather. To gain a true understanding of climate science, students must therefore have a sound understanding of ...

Motivating undergraduates in the geosciences to learn programming
Alain Plattner, California State University-Fresno
Alain Plattner, Earth and Environmental Sciences, California State University-Fresno Learning to write simple computer programs can have tremendous effects on students in the geosciences. Besides training their ...

The impact of computation in the classroom on independent research experiences.
Michele McColgan, Siena College
Michele McColgan, Physics and Astronomy, Siena College As more students are considering entering the STEM field, they are entering STEM classes with a broad range of preparation. Unfortunately, many students do ...

"Into Matlab" - A series of video lectures accompanying "From Zero to Matlab in ..."
Frederik J Simons, Princeton University
Frederik J Simons, Geosciences, Princeton University A while ago I started dreaming of producing a series of video lectures in the style of the YouTube sensations "MinutePhysics" (often about a minute ...

The dynamical nature of Nature
Sean Bartz, Indiana State University
Sean Bartz, Physics, Macalester College There are a variety of very strong arguments for teaching computation as part of the undergraduate physics curriculum. Students are likely to need computation in any future ...

The skills gap between the graduates we produce and the graduate students we'd like to recruit (or, "How I bit the bullet and tried to teach computing.")
Gareth Funning, University of California-Riverside
Gareth Funning, Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside I once overheard one of my graduate students, chatting to a visitor about his Masters research. "I think it's gone ...

Computing for 3rd year Geoscience Undergraduates
Dylan Mikesell, Boise State University
Dylan Mikesell, Geosciences, Boise State University My experience teaching computation is limited (I just started my second year as an Assistant Professor), but I use computing in all of my research. I strongly ...