Workshop Program: Just in Time Math in the STEM Classroom
May 22, 2019
Grinnell College, Noyce Science Center, room 2022
Additional Resources about Just in Time Teaching approach
Coffee and light snacks will be available for participants arriving early
10:00 AM Introductions and welcoming remarks, first tasks, and logistics
Logistics - computer access, SERC accounts, facilities, travel stipends
- Welcome and introductions - your institution, home discipline, typical courses
- Workshop goals and agenda
10:15-10:30 The challenges of math preparation in teaching STEM: Equity and Inclusion - Jim Swartz, Grinnell College
May 2019 Workshop Introduction.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 382kB May21 19)
10:30-11:15 The Just in Time approach: what it is and evidence of effectiveness - Cailin Huyck Orr
Just in time explanation from the Starting Point project
Video example of using JITT in a classroom (external link, requires Adobe Flash)
11:15-11:40 Brainstorming session: (sit by discipline) What are your most important math barriers? Organize groups for work later in the day.-
- List your ideas in the discussion thread at the bottom of the page.
11:40-12:00 What we learned from IINSPIRE in the February workshops
12:00-1:15 Working lunch (provided)
Small group discussion about possible JiT interventions
- What format would you most likely use?
- Before class homework
- In-class short exercises
- Follow up exercises after a classroom exercise for those who need further instruction
Step by Step instructions for using JiT
Example JiT exercises from a geology project
1:15 -1:45 Sort into pairs by JiT topic
1:45-3:00 Small group working sessions - collective work on specific projects
- Use workspace page to develop JiT modules
Light snacks will be available for participants
3:00-3:15 Pairs trade JiT and provide feedback to other groups.
- Use the discussion threads at the bottom of each workspace page to provide feedback
- Are all the components complete?
- Add one suggestion
- Ask one question
3:15-3:35 Revisions and 'publishing' JiT modules to the group
- Use the Activity submission form to publish your module.
3:35-3:50 Action planning and discussion of next steps
- Using the materials in your classrooms
4:00 Adjourn
This workshop is sponsored by the Iowa Illinois Nebraska STEM Partnership for Innovation in Research and Education (IINSPIRE) funds from NSF