Faculty Pedagogy Workshops: Math in the STEM Classroom
This workshop is part of the 2019 annual IINSPIRE LSAMP Alliance conference February 1-2, 2019 at the Scheman Building at Iowa State Center in Ames, IA.
Please go to the conference website for location and registration information.
Jim Swartz Grinnell College, Cailin Huyck Orr SERC at Carleton College
Workshop Program for Sessions 1 and 2
Workshop Overview:
This year the pedagogy workshops will be held as two separate sessions. Participants are welcome to attend either one or both. The topics are related, but it is not required to attend session 1 to participate in session 2. Participants will have the opportunity to help shape a 1-day face-to-face pedagogy workshop on the same topic planned for early summer.
Session 1: Just in time math in the STEM classroom
This session will introduce and explore the strategy of using short, student-led, modular math interventions at strategic points in a science course to serve as a reminder for students who have had the math concept previously, or introduce a new concept to a student who is catching up on math preparation as it applies to science. The workshop will draw material from existing programs, and also allow participants to share their own experiences and tips. Time will be allotted for individual planning.
Session 2: Strategies for managing uneven math preparation in the classroom
This session will explore the common situation of managing a STEM classroom with students of different levels of preparation. Strategies will be discussed for providing support for students coming with less experience in the subject, or prerequisite subjects, while also challenging students who come with a higher level of experience or readiness and creating a climate of respect. Information from existing projects will be introduced and we will discuss ideas for implementing a growth mindset into the STEM classroom. Participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences and successes, and time will be allotted for individual reflection and planning. Participants will have the opportunity to help shape the summer pedagogy workshop.
Contact Jim Swartz (Swartz@grinnell.edu) or Cailin Huyck Orr (corr@carleton.edu) with any questions.