Defining Inclusive Excellence at Nebraska Wesleyan University
- You will discuss approaches to institutional transformation
- You will develop a shared definition for inclusive excellence at Nebraska Wesleyan
- You will develop an action plan to take next steps toward your definition
Before the Workshop
- Please review our Meeting Norms and Code of Conduct
- Instructions for using a Serckit Workspace
- Private workspace for this workshop.
Pre-Program Reading
- DiBartolo, P.M., Gregg-Jolly, L., Gross, D., Manduca, C.A., Iverson, E., Cooke III, D.B., Davis, G.K., Davidson, C., Hertz, P.E., Hibbard, L. and Ireland, S.K., (2016). Principles and Practices Fostering Inclusive Excellence: Lessons from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Capstone Institutions (Acrobat (PDF) 400kB Jun3 21)
- Estrada, M., Eroy-Reveles, A. and Matsui, J., (2018). The Influence of Affirming Kindness and Community on Broadening Participation in STEM Career Pathways
- Gregg-Jolly, L., Swartz, J., Iverson, E., Stern, J., Brown, N., & Lopatto, D. (2016). Situating Second-Year Success: Understanding Second-Year STEM Experiences at a Liberal Arts College (Acrobat (PDF) 1.1MB Jun3 21)
Day 1 Program
1:00-1:10 Introduction- Program Goals & Workspace Angela and (Sarah via Zoom)
1:10-2:00 Presentation (JIm) on Grinnell Science Project: "Thirty Years of Efforts to Better Serve the Underserved —Moving from Fixing the Students to Fixing Us"Thirty Years of Efforts to Better Serve the Underserved —Moving from Fixing the Students to Fixing Us--NWU posting.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.7MB Jun15 21)
2:00-2:30 questions/discussion on presentation and on Second Year science project. What elements are informative to NWU?
2:30-2:40 Break.
2:40-3:10 what did you learn from the HHMI Capstone reports and what might be informative to NWU?
3:10- 3:40 It's not just what we do, it's how we do it, Culture of Kindness and Caring (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.8MB Jun11 21) (Sarah via Zoom)
3:40-4:00 Homework for tomorrow:
- Write on 3-5 Post-it notes, what would be elements or measures of success be for inclusive excellence in STEM at NWU?
Day 2 Program
1:00-1:30 Reviewing Your Institutional Data
What data does Nebraska Wesleyan have that is relevant to your work? What other data would be useful? What do you know about your students?
1:30-2:00 Share out your homework: elements of success by putting on a wall, Cluster them and discuss
2:00-2:15 Write on Post it notes What activities or program elements would support the outcomes you would like to advance? These could help frame larger aims and goals for an inclusive excellence project at NWU.
2:15-2:55 Cluster them (10 min) and discuss themes or the larger goals they might support opportunities (30 min).
2:55-3:10 Break
3:10-4:00 Action planning
- Additional questions to help you come from Tara Gregg, Director of Sponsored Research
- What will you need to actually do to advance your project?
- What do you need now in order to proceed?
- (who to talk too, interventions that are promising/to explore more, big ideas to hold working groups around)