For the Instructor
These student materials complement the Coastal Processes, Hazards and Society Instructor Materials. If you would like your students to have access to the student materials, we suggest you either point them at the Student Version which omits the framing pages with information designed for faculty (and this box). Or you can download these pages in several formats that you can include in your course website or local Learning Managment System. Learn more about using, modifying, and sharing InTeGrate teaching materials.Section B: The United States
The United States: Vignettes for the New York and New Jersey, New Orleans, LA
Analyze vignettes of experiences of those living in coastal communities, such as those affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan, Super Storm Sandy, Hurricane Katrina and other recent catastrophic coastal events, as well as longer term sea level rise effects.
Each of these locations have ongoing challenges related to sea level rise and other coastal hazards. Each location has also experienced major storm surge events that have caused property damage and displacement of residents in the last 10 years (since 2004).
You will examine these places considering the ways in which the residents' lives are impacted, how the economy of the city or region is affected, and measures taken in recovery and increased resilience with future events or increasing risks in mind.
As in Section A. you will use a variety of sources provided to gain an in-depth understanding of the various experiences in the case studies.
You will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the situations in each of the locations and the complexity of the issues facing each community.
You will then take the information gathered about all of the locations covered in the module and consider the questions of longer term sustainability by analyzing the question: Should coastal communities Rebuild or Retreat in the face of coastal hazards?