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Hurricane Irene
Irene developed as a tropical storm some 300 km off the eastern end of the Lesser Antilles and outside of the Caribbean Sea. It first became a hurricane on August 22, 2011 as it made landfall on Puerto Rico. Despite making landfall, the storm continued to strengthen and eventually became a Category 3 hurricane as it passed through the Bahamas on August 24. The storm then tracked northward and impacted the Outer Banks of North Carolina as a Category 1 storm before emerging once again out into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Virginia just south of Virginia Beach on August 28.
As the storm moved northeastward, it ran parallel to the shoreline of the Delmarva Peninsula, where it produced strong winds and waves and high water for the barrier islands and coastal bays located behind the barrier islands including Wallops Island, home of NASA's Wallops Island Flight Facility, as well as Chincoteague and Assateague Islands. These barrier islands are nearly continuous along a distance of almost 150 miles of shoreline between the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. They are interrupted only occassionally by relatively narrow inlets. Nearly 80 miles of this shoreline is relatively undisturbed and undeveloped and is generally allowed to behave naturally and without significant modification by human activity (although see the impact of constructed shorelines at Ocean City, Maryland and recent coastal engineering projects on Wallops Island to help protect the launch facility and infrastructure). Centered in this region is one of the largest bays on the Delmarva. Chincoteague Bay straddles the Virginia-Maryland border and today has two inlets to the ocean, one between Wallops Island and Assateague Island (i.e., the Chincoteague Inlet), on the south and one between Assateague and Fenwick Island on the north (i.e., the Ocean City Inlet; Figure 5.17).

Credit: NOAA
For the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and although it was relatively fast moving, Hurricane Irene was a significant event as the center of the storm passed only about 30 miles offshore. During the onset of the storm, onshore winds and waves piled significant volumes of water along the barrier islands producing storm overwash, eroding shorelines (Figure 5.18, 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, and 5.22), and relatively robust storm surge in back bay areas along the mainland (Figures 5.23, 5.24, 5.25, and 5.26), although nothing comparable to the levels observed during Katrina on the Gulf Coast, or during Hurricane Sandy in New York. This was, in part, because of the trajectory of the storm, the speed of the storm, the fact that it moved along the continental shelf, and also because the number of inlets were relatively few and narrow. These factors, combined with the robust nature of the barrier island maritime forests and dune systems, helped reduce the total volume of water that could enter the coastal bays. As the storm moved north of the region, offshore winds on the trailing edge of the storm helped to push surge waters back out of the bays and helped produce extensive scouring in the vicinity of the unprotected inlet and helped form a large ebb tidal delta that helped fill in much of the navigational channel between Assateague and Wallops. Thus, for this region, Hurricane Irene's impact was significant, but could have been much worse if the storm's trajectory was different.

Credit: Nick Matthews

Credit: Nick Matthews

Credit: Nick Matthews

Credit: Sean Cornell

Credit: Sean Cornell

Credit: Sean Cornell

Credit: Sean Cornell

Credit: Sean Cornell

Figure 5.26: Four foot high shell bank produced by Hurricane Sandy's waves as the shells were reworked from the shallow bay. Most of these shells were deposited back in the bay after they were shucked in the shucking houses that once lined the shores of Franklin City, Virginia.
Credit: Sean Cornell
Hurricane Sandy
In contrast, and although Hurricane Sandy was similarly scaled in wind speed and size to Irene, ultimately it was much more impactful further north to New York and New Jersey primarily because of the storm track it took and the orientation of the shoreline where the storm made landfall. Figure 5.27 hows the storm track for Sandy in the fall of 2012. Whereas Irene's track was parallel to shore, Sandy's approach was more perpendicular with landfall approach toward the northwest. In this way, not only was the brunt of the storm's energy focused on the shoreline, but the geomorphic configuration of the shoreline and the shallow nature of the inner shelf led to amplification of the storm surge as outlined in the previous module.

Figure 5.27: Hurricane Sandy's storm trackway from NOAA's Historical Storm Track database. As the storm crossed the shelf-slope break, it downgraded from a Category 2 hurricane to a Category 1 hurricane, and even degraded to a tropical storm before it came ashore. However, because of its trajectory at nearly a right angle to the shoreline, the full fury of the storm was released on the shoreline of New Jersey and New York. The wedge-shaped shoreline entering the Hudson River Embayment helped to funnel the waters into the embayment leading to higher and higher storm surge levels.
Credit: NOAA