Become an Entrepreneur
Initial Publication Date: March 5, 2015
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Creative, innovative thinking and problem-solving is critical as we tackle the complex issues of a changing world. Existing careers can certainly support this creative, innovative environment. However, some students are driven venture out and create a business of their own. While entrepreneurship is difficult and not for everyone, for the driven and successful enterprise, it can lead to the development of new technologies or ways of doing things that support sustainability, environmental stewardship, or the betterment of society in general.
One of the most difficult parts of entrepreneurship is finding start up funds that will cover the cost of research, development, and testing. However, there are a growing number of options to obtain this funding. NSF sponsored programs such as I-Corps provides funding as part of a competitive grant solicitation. Learn more about I-Corps nodes and projects that have been funded to date from this interactive map.
Related Resources
- The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship provides a community of support as well as links to helpful resources, such as those to associations, publications, and more.
- Student Entrepreneurs: A Reality-Based Video Series following the STEM Virtual Enterprise provides videos from successful teams at CUNY that aim to inspire and educate new entrepreneurs.
- Why We Need More Minority Tech-Entrepreneurs, an article from Forbes magazine by Rebecca O. Bagley.
- Innovation, Patents, & Entrepreneurship, from the National Institute for Faculty Equity offers presentations and other resources to engage and support minority and women entrepreneurs.
- Smart Steps to Sustainability: A Guide to Greening your Small Business from the US EPA
- Academic Entrepreneurship provides a series of four articles from Inside Higher Ed by Kerry Ann Rockquemore comparing entrepreneurship with academia. A short self-reflection quiz is given at the end of each article.
- Explore these entrepreneur-related TED talks or see Forbes magazine's Top 10 TED Talks for Entrepreneurs