InTeGrate Events at GSA 2018
published Oct 31, 2018 2:00pmActivities of Interest at the 2018 GSA Annual Meeting
The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting is being held in Indianapolis, IN, November 4-7, 2018, and InTeGrate will be there! Catch up with InTeGrate friends and learn about the project's activities.
Learn what's new with InTeGrate materials, professional development and more at the NAGT booth:
The NAGT Booth #314 opens Sunday, November 4, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., with the Opening Reception: 5:30-7 p.m. Booth opens at 10am Monday-Wednesday and closes at 6:30pm on Monday and Tuesday and at 2pm on Wednesday.
Find old InTeGrate friends and make new ones at the GSA Education Reception:
Sunday, November 4, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Rock Bottom Brewery, 10 S. West Street
InTeGrate-Related Sessions & Presentations
To see the full list of Geoscience Education Topical Sessions, go to the GSA Annual Meeting Program Website.
Have a presentation that you don't see listed? Let us know so we can add it to the list!
Sunday, November 4:
- InTeGrate-Related Session: 57: T82. Hands-On Teaching Demonstrations that Combine Geoscience and Societal Issues: Audience Participation Requested!, Sunday, November 4, 1:30-5:30pm
- Nagy-Shadman, Elizabeth, 2018. Using InTeGrate's "Living on the Edge" Teaching Materials in a Two-Year-College Physical Geology Classroom: Enhancing the Societal Relevance of Plate Tectonic Hazards and Risks, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
- Thompson, Cara K., Schnetzer, Astrid, Kinzel, Michelle, 2018. Student-Centered Teaching Demonstration for Ocean Acidification, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
Monday, November 5:
- InTeGrate-Related Session: 100: T72. Integrating Active Learning Strategies into College-Level Geoscience Classrooms: Implementation, Effects, and "Lessons Learned" (Posters), Monday, November 5, 9am-6:30pm
- InTeGrate-Related Session: 57: 101: T83. Beyond the Numbers: Strategies for Inclusive Education Practices across the Geological Sciences (Posters), Monday, November 5, 9am-6:30pm
- Haveles, Andrew W., Awalt, Mitchell B., Macdonald, R. Heather, Beane, Rachel J., Doser, Diane I., Ebanks, Sue C., Riihimaki, Catherine A., Villalobos, Joshua, Weissman, Gary S., and Manduca, Cathryn A., 2018. Seeding a System of Broadening Participation in the Geosciences through Traveling Workshops, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
- InTeGrate-Related Session: 132: T83. Beyond the Numbers: Strategies for Inclusive Education Practices across the Geological Sciences I, Monday, November 5, 1:30-5:30pm
- Bruckner, Monica Z., Manduca, Cathryn A., Fox, Sean P., Iverson, Ellen, O'Connell, Kristin, Sheriff, Kathryn, Egger, Anne E., 2018. Engaging Students: Understanding Earth in the Context of Societal Issues through the InTeGrate Teaching Materials, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
- Teasdale, R., Scherer, Hannah H., Forbes, Cory, Boger, Rebecca A., Holder, Lauren N. 2018. A Call for More Geoscience Education Research on Teaching about Earth in the Context of Societal Problems, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
Tuesday, November 6:
- InTeGrate-Related Session: 159: T83. Beyond the Numbers: Strategies for Inclusive Education Practices across the Geological Sciences II, Tuesday, November 6, 8am-12pm
- Davis, Felicia, 2018. Building HBCU Pathways to Geosciences, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
- Beane, Rachel, J., Macdonald, R. Heather, McNeal, Karen S., 2018. National Geoscience Faculty Survey Results on Education Practices that Support Diversity and Inclusion in Undergraduate Courses, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
- Teasdale, Rachel, Ryker, Katherine, Viskupic, Karen., Manduca, Cathryn, 2018. Active Learning Practices in the Geosciences: Learning from 300+ Classroom Observations, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
- Viskupic, Karen, Ryker, Katherine, Teasdale, Rachel, Manduca, Cathryn, 2018. Evidence that Teaching with InTeGrate Results in Active Learning Practices, GSA Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, IN).
Meetings and Receptions
Sunday, November 4:
NAGT 2YC Geoscience Div. Business Meeting - 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. JW Marriott Indianapolis, White River Ballroom Sections GH
NAGT Teacher Education Div. (TED) Business Meeting - 5:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., JW Marriott Indianapolis, White River Ballroom Sections GH
NAGT Geoscience Education Research Div. Business Meeting - 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., JW Marriott Indianapolis, White River Ballroom Sections GH
Geoscience Educator's Reception - 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Rock Bottom Brewery, 10 S. West Street
- NAGT/GSA Geo. Ed. Div/CUR Awards luncheon - 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., JW Marriott Indianapolis, White River Ballroom Sections GH (Ticketed Event)
Future Events and Opportunities
- Keep an eye out for another email highlighting InTeGrate activities at AGU.
- Sign up for InTeGrate-related Workshops at AGU
- Interested in bringing workshops to your campus? Check out the Traveling Workshops Program. Deadlines to apply are January 15 for a Summer workshop and March 15 for a Fall workshop.
- Save the date: Co-hosted by Tennessee State and Vanderbilt Universities, the 2019 Earth Educators' Rendezvous will be held in Nashville, TN, July 15-19, 2019. The program will be posted and registration opened in early 2019.