Improved Learning

Resources for enhancing student engagement, higher-order thinking, quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills in every course, through effective curriculum design, active pedagogy, and professional development opportunities.

Pedagogy in Action

Research has shown that active learning techniques can help students learn more effectively; there are many strategies available for incorporating active learning into any classroom, including:

Student Engagement

Students must be engaged to learn. Find strategies to engage students in course content, learn more about motivation, and connect learning to the world around them

Higher-Order Thinking

Teaching students higher order skills such as critical and systems thinking and quantitative skills can be incorporated into classroom activities to strengthen students' skills in these areas. See resources focused on:

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Inter-institutional Networks

Working at scales larger than the institution is an important part of improving the whole undergraduate education system. Networks are tackling pressing issues such as:

ASCN, ISSUES, LSAMP IINSPIRE , NSEC, Supporting STEM Success in a Liberal Arts Context
AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative
Learning Spaces Collaboratory

Program & Course Design

Intentional design of programs and courses is the best strategy for ensuring that the desired learning happens. Program design is essential to successful retention and degree completion by all students. Learn more about:

Career Pathways

Faculty and students alike are on career pathways with challenging transition points. Find resources for:

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