Agenda & Course Materials
Short Course: Change Detection with SfM and GPS/GNSS: Teaching Undergraduates in the Field
6 pm Sat May 21 - 11:30 am Tuesday May 24, 2022 (11:30 am Wednesday May 25 for committed implementation cohort)
Before the course
- Arrange travel and inform conveners of arrival information by May 1, 2022
- Ensure you are "up-to-date" on vaccinations. See COVID19 Policies & Planning. Opens in new window.
- There will be some software downloading and other modest preparation tasks. See Participant Checklist.
During the course
Anticipated agenda only. Subject to change.
Course Materials & Related Resources
The teaching materials associated with this course are drawn from the GETSI Field Teaching Modules and related resources (ex. presentations, student exercises).
- Primary resources
- High Precision Positioning with Static and Kinematic GPS/GNSS
- Analyzing High Resolution Topography with TLS and SfM
- The specific Introduction to SfM exercise was a version modified and simplified from the GETSI Unit 1-SfM during remote teaching - Getting started with Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry (remote field collection)
- Prepared Data Sets, Remote Field Teaching, and Software Manuals - GETSI Field resource page
- Accessing GPS/GNSS Field Equipment and Support - guidance on how to borrow GPS surveying teaching kits
- Course booklet files - SfM-GPS Field Teaching Short Course Booklet (Acrobat (PDF) 61.7MB May23 22)
- Other resources
- Processing Coastal Imagery With Agisoft Metashape Professional Edition, Version 1.6—Structure From Motion Workflow Documentation, USGS Open-File Report 2021-1039
- Change detection tools within OpenTopography
- M3C2 plugin - which allows you to surface-normal change (not just, say, vertical change)
- Justyna's YouTube Tutorial on MetaShape
- Field safety
- Field accessibility
- IAGD: LIFT kit: Library of Inclusive Field Technology (loan kit of resources for increasing accessibility)
- EOS article: Creating Spaces for Geoscientists with Disabilities to Thrive
- UAV Pilot License - FAA Part 107 - resources that Yesenia used recently
- FAA page with steps to register for exam and apply for part 107 certification:
- Free night flying requirements course (have to create account, ~1 hour):
- Better B Roll video (good explanation about maps and weather chart reading):
- Tony Northrup Study guide (video):
- Remote ID and operation over people (video):
- PSI practice test:
- Peltier Photo Courses test bank (~300 questions, $15):
Saturday May 21 - Introduction to the short course
- Arrive to Pocatello prior to 5:00 pm
- 5:00-6:00 pm - Check in at ISU Geology Department
- 6:00 pm - Dinner at Ben's house near campus
- 7:00 pm - Introduction to the short course [mostly Beth]
- Logistics – dorm and campus information, schedule, course materials/website, paperwork
- Introductions from leaders
- Icebreaker
- GETSI project background and module overview
- Troubleshooting any software issues (MetaShape, CloudCompare, Emlid ReachView3 app, Emlid Studio)
- Introduction to SfM
Sunday May 22 - Making georeferenced point clouds
- 7:15 am - Breakfast buffet near classroom
- 8:00 am – Introduction to SfM [Beth]
- Collect SfM photos on campus (handheld and pole, local reference frame)
- Break as needed
- Introduction to Agisoft MetaShape
- 11:00 am - Introduction to GPS/GNSS presentation (~1 hour) [Ben]
- 12:00 pm - Lunch
- 1:00 pm - Combining SfM and kinematic GPS/GNSS [Ben]
- Survey design considerations
- Introduction to Emlids ReachRS2 GNSS receivers
- 2:00 pm – Field site data collection [mostly Ben]
- Survey design
- Collect GPS/GNSS ground control points
- Collect photos via UAV (uncrewed aerial vehicle)
- Deliverables – SfM photos (on UAV), ground control points (via Emlids), variety of GPS points for more profiles/topography profiles, field notes, reflections on implications for teaching
- TAKE group photo
- 5:00 pm - Return to campus/dorms
- 6:30 pm – Dinner at Ben's house
- 7:30-8:30p Evening
- Debrief on the field experience - both technical and pedagogical
- Download data from Emlids; download photos to computers
- Distribute pre-collected data sets
- Run through process of getting PPP solution
- Roadcheck survey
Monday May 23 - Change detection and start implementation planning
- 7:15 am - Breakfast buffet near classroom
- 8:00 am – MetaShape continued; Getting started with change detection
- Make SfM point clouds from photos taken at Sunday's field site
- Break as needed
- Change detection with CloudCompare
- Including M3C2 plugin - which allows you to surface-normal change (not just, say, vertical change)
- More typically DEMs only allow you to look at change in one of the cardinal directions
- 12:00 pm - Lunch
- 1:00 pm – More on GPS and Starting Implementation Planning [mostly Beth]
- Continue a bit on software from the morning if needed
- Post-processing kinematic and NTRIP (non-RTK options); also troubleshooting FIX issues
- Refresher on relevant GETSI modules/units
- Borrowing equipment for teaching - from UNAVCO/GETSI
Accessing GPS/GNSS Field Equipment and Support - Field teaching case studies (including DEI and accessibility considerations) [leaders, plus any participants who can contribute]
- Break when it makes sense
- Start implementation planning for teaching
- Participant Implementation Workspaces - Record ideas in the workspace under your name (Yesenia and Nina are grouped with Anita and MikeM, respectively)
- Brief survey about initial field teaching ideas (to help us divide up breakout groups for Tuesday)
Please do this (very) short survey by 5:00 pm TODAY - HOMEWORK
- First thing Tuesday be ready to share initial plans with breakout group (opt. 2-5 slides shown on your laptop) – aim for ~5 minutes of sharing
- Teaching/geologic setting
- Learning goals/deliverables from students
- Methods/tools (GPS? SfM? both?)
- Questions/challenges/initial ideas of solutions
- Complete as much of the implementation plan as you can at this point (there will be a little more time Tuesday if you get new ideas)
- First thing Tuesday be ready to share initial plans with breakout group (opt. 2-5 slides shown on your laptop) – aim for ~5 minutes of sharing
- Roadcheck survey
- 5:00 pm - Return to campus/dorms
- 6:30 pm – Dinner at Ben's house
- Evening on your own to work on implementation planning homework as needed.
7:30 pm – one or more instructors will be in the classroom briefly if anyone wants to chat
Tuesday May 24 - Teaching implementation planning
- 7:15 am - Breakfast buffet near classroom
- 8:00 am - Discussion about field safety and other questions
- 8:20 am - Breakout groups for sharing teaching plans (~1 hour)
- Pick a time keeper and share-out presenter
- Each person shares initial plans - ~5 minutes each
- Breakout out group discussion of questions/challenges/ideas - 20 minutes
- Identify ~3 things your reporter will share with larger group - 10 min
- Rm 218 - Alejandra Ortiz, Carol Pride, Kerry Riley, Paulo Olivas, Sophia Tigges
- Rm 219 - Ander Sundell, Anita Marshall, Matt Zorn, Md Golam Kibria, Yesenia Arroyo
- Rm 220 - Ahmed Abdalla, Al Neely, Danny Childers, Sadie K, Teresa Beaty
- Rm 221 - Chris Milliner, Mike Murphy, Nina Z, Steve Lundblad, Tina Niemi
- Rm 233 - Amanda Hughes, Jeremy Maurer, Justyna Jeziorska, Michael Hernandez, Peter Tereszkiewicz
- 9:25 am – Break
- 9:40 am - Whole group share-out and discussion
- Share-out - 1 leader share ~3 main thoughts or questions
- Brainstorming solutions to challenges
- 10:20 am - Individual work time to add to implementation plan
- 10:40 am - Feedback survey for regular participants
- 11:00 am - End short course for regular participants (packed lunches available for people with rapid departures)
- 11:15 am - head to vehicles for the airport - Chris M, Matthew Z, Peter T, Sadie K
- 12:15 pm - head to vehicles for shuttle - Ahmed A, Alejandra O, Alexander N, Justyna J, Md Kibria, Nina Z, Sophia T,
Tina N
Course continued for Cohort Participants
- 12:00 pm – Lunch
- 1:00 pm – Cohort and leaders meet to discuss needs/interests for continuing technical work and implementation planning
- Addressing individual knowledge and teaching-planning needs
- Additional time working with instruments and surveying as needed
- More software practice and applications
- Roadcheck survey
- 5:00 pm - Return to campus/dorms
- 6:30 pm – Dinner at Ben's house
Wednesday May 25 - Expanding teaching implementation planning
- 7:15 am - Breakfast buffet near classroom
- 8:00 am – Work continued from Tuesday (Break as needed)
- Additional time working with instruments and surveying as needed
- More software practice and applications
- Discussion of expected schedule/timing
- Individual or small-group planning for specific field sites and geoscience applications
- All-group share-out of refinements, solutions, and remaining challenges (including accessibility issues)
- 10:40 am - Feedback survey
- 11:00 am - End short course (packed lunches available for people with rapid departures)
- 11:15 am - head to vehicles for the airport - Jeremy M, Carol P, Michael M, Paulo O
- 12:15 pm - head to vehicles for shuttle - Daniel C, Amanda H