
This collection of courses was developed by participants in the 2010 workshop.

Results 1 - 20 of 23 matches

Geologic Field Excursion part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Courses
Field excursions will be taken to study the geology of specific areas such as the Black Hills, Central Colorado, Death Valley, Colorado Plateau, Hawaii, Central America, or others. Topics will include rock types, ...

GEOL 1470 Environmental Geology part of Environmental Geology:Courses
Environmental geology is the study of the interactions between humans and their geologic environment: rocks, water, air, soil, life. Humans are impacted by Earth processes, and by their activities have an impact on ...

Earth Science - ESC1000 part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Courses
ESC1000 - Earth Science, is an introductory-level survey course covering the earth sciences. Physical geology represents about 60% of the course content, with meteorology/climatology and physical oceanography ...

Introduction to Physical Geology part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Courses
Introduction to Physical Geology is a broad, first-level science course appropriate for all students needing to complete science coursework. Basic topics in physical geology are covered with real-world data ...

Oceanography Lab (an introduction) part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Courses
Lab class that meets 4 hrs per week (one day) -- the first hour starts with a 10-minute quiz on the previous week's lab, followed by hands-on group review of prereading preparatory lab assignment and then ...

Introductory Astronomy: Syllabus and Study Guides part of Process of Science:Courses
An integrated lecture-lab introductory astronomy course with topics limited primarily to the nature and evolution of stars. Also included is the changing appearance of the night sky with time and place, the nature ...

Historical Geology part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Earth History Approach:Examples
This introductory online historical geology class teaches basic scientific principles like evolution and plate tectonics, then reviews Earth history from the Precambrian to the present day. The readings are online ...

Introduction to Physical Geology part of Introductory Courses:Courses
An introduction to the principles governing the composition and structure of the Earth's crust, and the study of land forms and geological processes on the surface and within the Earth. Topics include: rock ...

Introduction to Physical Geology part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Courses
This course is an introduction to the principles governing the composition and structure of the Earth, and the study of land forms and geological processes on the surface and within the Earth. Topics include: rock ...

Introduction to Physical Geology part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This course is an introduction to physical geology, with an emphasis on plate tectonics and the environmental and natural disaster aspects of the subject. It is designed for non-science majors who are meeting their ...

Physical Geology part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This course is a physical geology course covering basic geological principles emphasizing how plate tectonics has shaped the face of Earth. The course is lecture based, and includes several different types of ...

Geologic Disasters & the Environment part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This class teaches the essentials of geologic disasters and environmental geology to non-major students. Students examine human interactions with Earth and vice versa. This course is taught through a case study ...

California State University Northridge: Liberal Studies Science Experience Capstone Course part of Teacher Preparation:Resource Collections:Courses
This laboratory course serves as a culminating science experience for Liberal Studies majors in the pre-credential and ITEP options. An interdisciplinary blend of biology, physics, chemistry, and earth and space ...

Field studies, Central California part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Course
Field studies of Central California is an introductory field geology course for community college students. Students meet for 3 hours per week of lecture, take one 4-day field trip to the Eastern Sierras to study ...

Introduction to Environmental Science part of Course Design:Goals Database
Introduction to environmental science course for non-science majors. Covers basic ecological concepts such as species interactions, types of ecosystems, effects of altitude, latitude, and so on. Also includes ...

GOL 135: Field Studies in Geology - Geology of the Billy Goat Trail part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Courses
One-day field trip course with pre-trip reading and post-trip essay. This field trip will examine the geology of Maryland's Bear Island, considering the metamorphic and igneous rocks exposed by the river, ...

Internet Historical Geology (GEOL 1404-N1) part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Courses
General principles of historical geology with emphasis on evolution of Earth and life through time. The internet format permits students to meet course requirements in a wide variety of schedule/location situations ...

GEOL 1114 General Geology (Online Lecture with Hybrid Lab) part of Geoscience in Two-year Colleges:Courses
I facilitate two sections of a 4 semester unit General Geology course (lecture plus lab) in an online/hybrid format. Students take the traditional "lecture" portion online using a course management ...

Evolution of the Earth part of Paleontology:Courses
Goals of class: To discuss the past history of Earth and its inhabitants. It examines how the geologic record can be used to reconstruct how we got where we are today, and how it can help us predict the future.

PC 121 - Energy and Society part of Energy:Energy Courses
Explores the nature and properties of energy. Emphasizes a scientific understanding of energy and is role in the global society. Examines current and alternative energy sources used to meet the needs of a growing ...