Opportunities for Two-Year College Geoscience Faculty at GSA 2012
Events, technical sessions and a funding opportunity at the Geologic Society Of America Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC
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Many events of general interest to educators (including other pre-meeting short courses and field events) are also listed at the NAGT Activities at GSA 2012webpage.
- Best Practices for Preparing Workforce and Transfer Students in Two-Year Colleges for Geoscience Careers
Short course coordinated by Eric Baer and Bob Blodgett - Event co-sponsored by NAGT and COSEE and part of the SAGE 2YC project. Saturday, November 3 2012 8:00-4:00
Participants will learn about successful 2YC college transfer and geotechnical workforce programs and practices, effective student research and internship programs, and geoscience career resources for 2YC students and faculty. Discussion will also include strategies for easily and effectively incorporating career information and professional skills into introductory geoscience courses. The workshop will be valuable for faculty and administrators from two-year colleges and from four-year colleges and universities who desire effective transfer programs with 2YCs, as well as representatives from professional organizations and employers. Lunch is included.
You must register with The Geological Society of America. - Geoscience Educators' Social Reception - Sunday, 4 November, 6:30-8:00 PM, Westin Hotel, Grand Ballroom A
Technical Sessions (Selected)
Abstract submission deadline is August 14
T77. Innovations and Challenges in Non-Major Instruction in Two- and Four-Year Colleges
Conveners: David H. Voorhees, Suzanne T. Metlay
This session explores innovative pedagogy of part- and full-time faculty in geoscience classes predominantly of diverse students solely seeking general education requirements. This requires innovative strategies to ensure engagement and success in all learning environments.T58. Formative Assessment in Geoscience Education
Conveners: Matthew A. Ludwig, Heather L. Petcovic
Classroom formative assessment can significantly improve student achievement through feedback during the learning process, rather than by grading. This poster session explores research, practical examples, and technology related to formative assessment in college geoscience courses.T61. Research and Instructional Approaches of Access and Inclusion to Increase Diversity in the Geosciences
Convener: Christopher Atchison, Sharon Locke
Geoscience educators and students are encouraged to disseminate research findings and instructional experiences that promotes the enhancement of a diverse participation in the geosciences through increased access and inclusion.T63. Digital Education Resources and Strategies: Best Practices and Content That Support Hybrid Learning K–20 and Professionally
Conveners: Christopher Thomas, Jennifer A. Nelson, Karin B. Kirk
This session showcases strategies for digital instructional content, collections, or teaching/training strategies that enhance or replace traditional face-to-face approaches. The emphasis is on approaches that are researched and assessed and are shareable, open source, and scaleable.T73. Successful Strategies for Teaching Online Geoscience Courses
Convener: Shane V. Smith
This session will focus on successful pedagogical strategies, laboratory activities, and assessment tools that can be used to improve and support teaching and learning in online geoscience courses.T74. Teaching Controversy in the K–16 Earth Science Classroom
Conveners: Laura A. Guertin, Tanya Furman
Evolution, climate change, offshore drilling, nuclear energy—all are topics rich in content and controversial in nature. We seek presenters to share approaches and strategies for introducing controversy in the K–16 classroom.
Funding Opportunity: Stipends Available
We have received a grant from NSF to support two-year college faculty attendance and participation in the 2012 GSA annual meeting including travel, lodging, and registration (GEO-1147339). For more details, see the stipend application. Application deadline August 14, 2012