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Brendan's activity  

I had my students investigate the Boston Harbor jpegs/tifs from the Earth Ex. Toolbook. They completed the same task as we did during our workshop. They were asked to outline all of the coast lines in the 1838 map and add that slice to the stack. I posed three questions for them to address. 1) What Boston landmarks are built on fill? What areas of Boston didn't exist in 1838? and 3) What hazards could occur if a catastrophic quake struck the greater Boston area?

Problems: Installing the software on to the school computers was a challenge for the computer teacher. Students had difficulty highlighting the areas. We ended up using the drawing utensil and wand instead of the lasso/kidney bean.
Conclusion: Overall, it was a rewarding experience. the kids seemed to enjoy it. I wish we had GIS access/capability at my school to carry out further investigations.


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I used that data in a lesson on earthquakes and the increased effects of fill vs. bedrock. In my case, I just used it on the overhead computer (before/after) but they were really shocked to see how much of Boston is fill. Great "open response" question with the scaffolded steps.


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