Message from Sam
Students in my class used a slightly modified version of the EET chapter,
Using Globe Data to Investigate the Earth System. By comparing the soil
moisture at 10cm and 90 cm with the temperatures and rainfall data
students were supposed to see patterns of the water moving through
different spheres and staying in different reservoirs in the Earth system
and how this movement affected things like vegetation.
Students worked individually using the Globe Graphing tool and the data
from Reynolds Jr/Sr high to create graphs that showed the various data
sets together such as temp and rainfall. Students layered the data sets
one on top of the other so that they ended up with a graph with several
y-axis and multiple time periods. Some of the student graphs zoomed in on
2-month time periods while others showed the trends over a two-year period.
Pretty much the students followed the directions on the EET web site with
the exception that I provided links for the data sets and the graphing
tool so that students would not have to navigate through the different
websites to get the information that they needed for the activity. I also
had them follow the directions on the EET site for teachers.
Students were pretty engaged in the activity, although because of time
restraints I felt our time for the analysis of the data was limited and
therefore the insights and connections to the Earth Systems Science unit
were limited. I think the students did get a good understanding of the
cycles and basic patterns of the data represented in the graphs and the
concept that matter is moving through the different sphere's of the Earth
System all the time. I think their understanding of the reservoirs in the
system is very shaky and I need to further adapt that portion of the
activity so that it is more clear and explicit.
Student success was varied. Some students quickly navigated back and
forth between two windows (the directions and the graphing tool) while
others found this to be very difficult. Additionally student's ability to
actually use the graphing tool varied greatly and some students did not
complete all the graphs in the time allowed in the lab.
In the future when doing this lesson I will provide students with a typed
direction sheet that makes the activity procedure more clear. Also I will
schedule more time in the lab and more in class time to really deeply
analyze the data. Additionally I would need to include more support in
the reservoir concept in the activity.
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