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Earth as a System  

Sam G and I will be adapting the EET chapter, Using Globe Data to Investigate the Earth System as part of our Earth System Science Analysis unit. We will have students use Globe data to investigate various interactions and connections between the earth’s spheres. In the EET chapter, soil moisture data is interpreted and analyzed allowing for connections to be made regarding soil moisture, precipitation, vegetation growth, temperature, and other factors. This will provide data that will allow us to either replace or spice up a previous Earth as a System (presented at a prior ESBD/TERC workshop by Matt from AGI) activity that used static data images.

Data: http://serc.carleton.edu/eet/globe/index.html
The data is embeded in the EET chapter by accessing the GLOBE website as per the instructions. I had some problems selecting the proper school's data initially but it now seems to work fine. I will look into possibly selecting a school closer to our community if appropriate.

Instructions: Follow the EET instructions for downloading Globe data, viewing the graphs, etc. Sam and I will be modifying the activity during the next two weeks but will likely use the same data but with different student worksheets and student response questions. As stated above, I will also look into retreiving data from closer community.


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