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Bringing up Images in ArcVoyager  

Hi Everyone,
Sharon downloaded some topographic map images from the MassGIS site and emailed me about this issue. I thought I would share my response with all of you.
Once you have hit the "Add Theme" button in ArcVoyager, if you are trying to load an image, you need to change the Data source option from Feature Data Source to Image Data Source. If you don't, it will look like nothing is there.
When the image loads, just like with other themes, you need to click the check box next to its name to turn it on.


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Does anyone know of a free source for topo map images? All the sites I have found seem to want to charge a fee for download access. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi Sean,
The MassGIS site has complete coverage of the entire state for FREE. Thanks,---Carla


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