Initial Publication Date: February 10, 2022

Module Development Timeline and Expectations

EDDIE Modules, starting January 2022 (cohort 3)

Module Development Workshop

The workshop is the starting point for developing an EDDIE module. By the end of the workshop modules and authors are named, team leads assigned, draft module started, and initial contracts are sent soon after.

Materials in Development

Following the workshop, author(s) will complete a draft module and submit to team lead for review before piloting in their course(s). Sufficient instructor and student materials needs to be complete prior to review so that the team lead can evaluate the module against the rubric.

  • 2022 Spring of the Academic Year
    • Finalize draft modules with team lead. Team lead will review the materials against the rubric and provide the go ahead for piloting.
    • First payment of partial stipend provided for finished complete drafts

Classroom Pilot and Revision

  • Spring 2022
    • Pilot your module by June 20, 2022
    • Summer piloting dates may be possible and need to be cleared ahead of time by the team lead and dates communicated to SERC and the Project EDDIE leads. 
  • Spring/Summer - 2022 revisions
    • Update your module based on your experience piloting, by September 1, 2022
    • Submit an instructor story
    • Double check your materials for copyright considerations
    • Ask team lead and SERC staff when you have questions!

External and SERC Review and Publishing

  • Summer/Fall 2022 - Reviews, Instructor Stories, Final Revisions
    • Tell us modules are ready for review by e-mailing your team lead, Cailin Huyck Orr ( and Monica Bruckner (, by September 1, 2022
    • SERC staff will conduct copy edits and copyright review and work with developers to resolve any questions.
      • Please respond to the staff reviewer(s) when they have questions or suggestions
    • SERC will forward edited modules to an external reviewer who will provide comments.
    • Respond to the reviewer's comments and make the required updates; If you are facing any challenges with these, your team lead will help you determine which comments must be addressed before publishing and which are suggestions for improvement
    • Communicate with your team lead that your revisions are complete by December 15, 2022.  They will determine if the module is ready for publication.
    • Conduct a final review of all of your materials before publishing. Let Monica know this has happened (
    • SERC staff will enliven your final edited modules and instructor stories by December 15, 2022
    • Remainder of stipends provided for published modules
  • Ongoing
    • Module developers retain access to edit and update modules into the future

Resources for module development