1. Do you currently teach about feedback loops? [Complete all that apply]
I currently teach about feedback loops in the following courses: I aspire to teach about feedback loops in the following courses: I have a goal for joining this workshop that is not related to my current or planned teaching, and that goal is:
One or more positive (aka "reinforcing") feedback loops One or more negative (aka "balancing") feedback loops One or more feedback loop(s) that involve only natural components One or more feedback loop(s) that involve only social/human components (e.g. elements of economics, psychology, sociology, history, political science, engineering) One or more feedback loop(s) that involve a combination of natural and social/human components
I use a feedback loop as an explanation or mechanism for one or more specific Earth or environmental phenomena. I teach about feedback loops as a generalizable concept that applies across many different systems and disciplines. I have my students draw diagrams of feedback loop(s). I have my students use computer simulation(s) that show feedback loop behavior over time. I have my students create computational systems models (e.g. with SageModeler, Vensim, or STELLA software) I use a strategy not listed above. If you use a different strategy, please tell us about it.
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