Recruiting Experience - Early Results from Targeted Strategies at Baylor University
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Monday Poster Session

K-12 curriculum can affect career choices and potential college majors. Worldwide events such as a pandemic, petroleum prices, and changing climate can also affect these choices. Baylor University has employed several targeted strategies to increase geoscience awareness and reduce declines in geoscience majors. Strategies include targeting undecided freshmen during registration, providing class flyers to university advisors, participation in New Student Orientation events, involvement with visiting high school students through admissions, and changes to departmental curriculum that allow students to change majors with minimal graduation delays. Outreach to K-12 students has continued, with most events since Fall 2021 held in person. Initial data indicates slight improvement in geoscience enrollments. Additional efforts beginning in Fall 2023 included the development of two new "grand challenge" courses with societal implications and anticipated broad appeal: water and climate change. Continued improvement requires consistency in course scheduling and associated faculty, student/parent awareness of geoscience careers, and sustained recruiting efforts.