Larry Collins
Longwood University
I am in the Department of Biological and Integrated Environmental Sciences at Longwood University.
Website Content Contributions
Conference Presentations (5)
Supporting Student Decision-Making Skills: An Application of Fidelity of Implementation part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2023:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday Poster Session
Students will undoubtedly have to participate in making decisions about complex scientific issues for their entire lives. Education reform documents such as Vision and Change in the Geosciences: The Future of ...
Other Contributions (2)
Effective Assessments: Maximizing Integrity, Minimizing Grading Time part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2020:Program:Roundtable Discussions
The COVID-19 crisis created unprecedented challenges for instructors at all levels. One of these challenges is understanding what types of assessments are most effective in an online environment. These types of ...
Spicing Up Your Assessments: Moving beyond exams part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2019:Program:Afternoon Mini-Workshops
Are you completely satisfied with your formative and summative assessments? If so, this workshop is not for you. This workshop will focus on how to develop and implement performance-based assessments in your ...
Southeastern Section, Geoscience Education Research Division
20 activities reviewed
July 2021 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2020
July 2020 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2019
July 2019 Teaching with Augmented and Virtual Reality Interest
NAGT Webinar Series Interest
Ocean Sustainability Interest Group
Earth Educators' Rendezvous Interest Group
Integrate/GETSI 2023 Survey
EER 2020 Activity Reviewers
Workshop Leader
Workshop Participant (16 workshops)
July 2020 EER 2020 Preparing for an Academic Career
July 2020 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2019 mini-workshop: GER Theoretical Frameworks