Thursday - "What" & Perception Science of Data Analysis
8:30 - Introductions & Icebreakers
9:00 - Online data portals – GLOBE Observer, My NASA Data
9:30 - Exploratory vs Explanatory Data Analysis
9:50- Break
10:05 - Finding data from portals for lessons, planning how to use quick graphs for Exploratory Data Analysis
10:30 - Gestalt Principles & Data Viz Best Practices
11:00 - Reflection, Next Steps, & Road Check
11:30 - Adjourn for the day
Friday - "Why" & Storytelling of Data Interpretation
8:30 - Introductions & Icebreakers
9:00 - Data Storytelling: a Student's Perspective
9:30 - Planning how to use data from yesterday + storytelling techniques for Explanatory Data Analysis
9:50 -Break
10:05 - Gallery Walk & Discussion
10:30 - Data Storytelling: an Educator's Perspective
11:00 - Reflection, Next Steps, & Workshop Evaluation
11:30 - Adjourn for the day