

Please complete the pre-workshop survey by July 6 and before arrival at the workshop complete the Mapping your Career worksheet (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 14kB Jun19 21). Total time expected: less than 1 hour.

Monday: Your academic career goals

8:30 Welcome, introductions, and ice breaker (slides)

9:05 Mapping your career at different types of institutions Mapping Your Career

Discuss the Mapping your Career worksheet (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 14kB Jun19 21)

  • Reflection on pre-workshop career mapping activity
  • Institution Types
  • Panelist experiences
  • SWOT
  • Q & A

10:05 Break

10:15 What might your academic career trajectory include? Thoughts on some excellent but lesser-known pathways

  • Brainstorm: What stepping-stone jobs are available?
  • Group discussion: considerations of different stepping stones

10:45 Career management (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 8.9MB Jul12 22)

11:15 Summary of the morning and Monday Road Check

11:30 Adjourn

Optional lunchtime discussion groups Walk over to the student union or other location with a group

Suggested afternoon sessions:


  • 7-8:30pm Small group review of applications materials (bring laptop!) -- also in Tate 301-20

Tuesday: Building your research and teaching skills

8:30 Introduction to the day

8:35 Pathways to Becoming an Effective Teacher

9:05 Pathways to becoming an effective teacher Discussion groups (select 2)

  • 1 - Sue: Teaching at a minority-serving institution (MSI)
  • 2 - Lisa: Teaching at a primarily undergraduate institution (PUI) and how to get teaching experience
  • 3 - Lynsey: Teaching at a community college (2YC)
  • 4 - Brendan: Teaching as Teaching Professor
  • 5 - Gary: Teaching at a large university (R1)

10:05 Break

10:15 Panel Discussion: Moving Your Research Forward-SE-Day2.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 9MB Jul12 22) 'Moving your research forward']

10:45 Moving your research forward discussion groups (select 1 table to join):

  • 1 - Sue: Research at a minority-serving institution (MSI)
  • 2 - Lisa: Research at a primarily undergraduate institution (PUI)
  • 3 - Lynsey: Research at a community college (2YC)
  • 4 - Brendan: Scholarship as a teaching professor
  • 5 - Gary: Research at a large university (R1)

11:15 Introduction to the elevator pitch and Tuesday road check

11:30 Adjourn

Optional lunchtime discussion groups TBA

Suggested afternoon sessions:


  • Social activities

Wednesday: Getting that academic position

8:30 Introduction to the day

8:35 Elevator pitches: small group practice and debrief

9:05 Application process:

9:35 Discussion of application process by job type -- Select your table:

  • 1 - Sue: Minority-serving institution faculty (MSI)
  • 2 - Lisa: Primarily undergraduate institution faculty (PUI)
  • 3 - Lynsey: Community college faculty (2YC)
  • 4 - Brendan: Teaching faculty at an R1 university
  • 5 - Gary: Large university faculty (R1)

10:05 Break

10:15 "Illegal" questions and negotiations

11:00 How to form community


11:15 Wrap-up and workshop evaluation

11:30 Adjourn

Thursday and Friday Suggestions

2-day morning workshops. Check for availability:

Perception Science + Real-World Data + Data Visualization = Enhancing Students' Data Analysis & Interpretation in Appleby Hall 3

Teaching atmosphere, ocean, and planetary fluid dynamic fundamentals vividly with rotating tanks in Tate Hall 170


Oral presentations, Mini-workshops, and Plenary on Thursday. Thursday's Plenary is, "Beyond Climate Despair: From Anxiety to Agency"

by Dr. Jennifer Atkinson of the University of Washington Bothell

Teaching Demonstrations, Lunchtime Posters, and Round Table Discussions on Friday.  Finish strong with the Friday Town Hall & Ice Cream Social!