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Register for the Rendezvous today!

Initial Publication Date: May 4, 2021

The Earth Educators' Rendezvous early registration deadline is today, May 4! Don't miss out on the lowest rates. NAGT members receive an additional $100 off.

Attend the Rendezvous and learn about new teaching approaches, discover opportunities to get involved in research programs, prepare for an academic career, or and explore new approaches to teaching and learning challenges in your classroom.

Register for the Rendezvous

Design your own professional development

The Rendezvous Program format and its variety of topics allow you participate in programming that meets your specific interests and needs. Choose from a suite of engaging multi-day workshops, mini-workshops, round-table discussions, plenary talks, and more.

Explore the Rendezvous Program

Share your teaching and research

The Contributed Program, comprised of oral presentations, posters, teaching demos, and Share-a-Thon presentations, offers a venue for sharing your work with the Earth Science education community. There is still time to submit a poster session abstract or a Share-a-Thon proposal for consideration by Tuesday, May 18, 2021.

Participate in the Contributed Program

Get involved in the community

The Rendezvous provides opportunities to learn from others, share expertise, and engage with researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of Earth education. Participate in events such as this year's Featured Stories in Diversity, or apply to help peer-review the teaching activity collections from Teach the Earth and NAGT-sponsored programs through the Activity Review Camp.

Learn more about the Rendezvous