Marine Geology Using GEODE - Workshop Program

Computer Lab Location: Tennessee State University, Farrell-Westbrook Agricultural Complex (The Barn), Room 114


8:30 Introductions and Logistics

Thurs Intro and Logistics.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.8MB Jul18 19)

  • Summary of application questions
    • Who are we as a group?
    • What are your goals, and ours, for the workshop?
  • How do you get your travel stipend?
  • Technology logistics

8:45 Activity 1: Exploring Marine Sediments Using Google Earth

Thurs Mar Sed Activity 1.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.6MB Jul18 19)

Part 1: Stories from the Seafloor [10 min]

Part 2: A First Look at Marine Sediments [50 min]

  • Your (your students') initial ideas:
    • What kinds of materials might you expect to find on the seafloor?
    • Is there any geographic pattern to the distribution of these materials? (and why?)
  • Visit (virtually) five locations in the Pacific Ocean: First-Look_v4 (KMZ File 149kB Jul17 19)
  • Make observations about the different types of sediment deposited in the modern ocean
  • Share and compare with the group

9:45 Break

9:55 Activity 1 continued

Part 3: Exploring the Distribution of the Primary Types of Sea Floor Sediments [50 min]

  • Explore empirical data on the distribution of the five primary marine sediment types (i.e., lithologies) of the sea floor: surficial-sea-floor-sediment-map-v4.kmz (KMZ File 347kB Jun9 19)
  • Describe the surficial sea floor distribution of marine sediment types
  • Propose hypotheses to explain any distribution patterns that you see

Part 4: Refining Your Hypotheses on Biogenic Sediment Distributions [40 min]

11:25 Road Check

11:30 Adjourn for the day


8:30 Follow-Up and Overview

8:40 Activity 2:A Virtual Marine Sediment Core Collection

  • Tour a set of 8 exemplars of ocean sediment lithologies: Virtual_Core_Collection_06-08-19.kmz (KMZ File 3.7MB Jul17 19)
  • Compare and contrast to resources in Activity 1
  • Discuss use of this resource in the development of assignments on marine sedimentology.
  • Examine physical marine sediment samples and learn how to make your own sample request for education (or research) use from IODP
  • Additional resources:
    • Video guide to smear slides from IODP
    • Interactive smear slide guides for minerals (technical note 1) and microfossils (technical note 2) in ocean sediments.
      • Download and then open in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro.
      • Have layers (looks like stack of paper) open and can view in plane and cross-polar light.
    • [link >Microscope adapter for smartphones</a>

9:40 Break

9:50 Activity 3:<a>A Grand Tour of the Ocean Basins']

  • Tour a number of sites illustrating tectonic processes and ocean basin geometries
  • Discuss use of this resource in the development of assignments on: (a) the tectonic life cycle of an ocean basin, (b) comparisons of processes, rates, and seafloor features associated with fast and slow spreading centers, (c) simple vs. complex plate motion geometries, and (d) comparisons of hot spot and plate boundary features.
  • Additional resources:

10:50 Work on Action Plan

  • How can I use what I learned in my teaching and/or student research?

11:20 Workshop evaluation and turn in travel stipend forms

11:30 Adjourn