Visualization plays a critical role in teaching and learning about the Earth. All geoscience students must be able to mentally transport themselves to a different time and place, work across multiple scales of time and space, and visualize their environment as viewed from different perspectives. Geospatial visualization resources for teaching and learning are at the heart of the Google Earth for Onsite and Distance Education (GEODE) project. Specific foci of this project included enhancements to virtual globes such as Google Earth that allow for plate tectonic reconstructions, embedded virtual specimens and outcrops, interactive imagery, "grand tours" of the Earth (and other planets and moons), and learning modules using large geoscience datasets.

Below are the GEODE designed teaching resources and tutorials.

Teaching Resources


Google Glass 1st vs 3rd person view

3D Block Diagrams in SketchUp

Paul Karabinos demos the use of SketchUp / Layout for strucutral geology

Google Maps Engine

Exams as a Learning Activity
Cinzia Cervato describes her exam protocol

Setting up a GigaPan, Through Google Glass

Ron Schott gives you a Google Glass-eye view!

Comparative GigaPan viewer demonstration using trace fossils in the Massanutten Sandstone

Callan Bentley's innovation from the Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection (M.A.G.I.C.)

Google Earth for Teachers 1

Rich Treves introduces the use of Google Earth in geography class — also relevant to geoscience!

EarthQuiz Tutorial
An introduction and demo for the EarthQuiz

Google Earth Tour Builder How To

Rich Treves demos the new tool for building Google Earth Tours.

Funding was provided by the NSF Project DUE 1323419: "Google Earth for Onsite and Distance Education (GEODE)" and by Google GEO Outreach Group.