Initial Publication Date: July 20, 2018


Good afternoon,

Thank you for attending the 4th Earth Educators' Rendezvous. What a tremendous week of learning, sharing, networking and collaborating. We hope you connected with old colleagues and new and are leaving Lawrence with concrete ideas and inspiration for teaching as well as creative ways to continue to build our community.

2018 End of Meeting Survey
Please provide feedback on your experience at this year's event by completing our End of Meeting Evaluation Survey. Your input is valuable to us as we make plans for next year's event.

Donor Challenge
Thank you! We have met (and surpassed) the challenge goal. Thanks to our community's generosity, we have raised $4,278 which unlocks the $4,000 challenge for a grand total of $8,278 to provide travel stipends to next year's Earth Educators' Rendezvous!

Suggest 2019 programming: Have an idea for next year's Rendezvous?
Share an idea The committee will review all suggestions and work to create a balanced program that serves diverse audiences.

Where will next year's Rendezvous be?

We are working hard on a location for 2019 but just aren't quite ready for a public announcement. Location, affordability, ease of travel... these are all concerns that we weigh. Rest assured we hope to announce dates and location very soon. To be the first in the know, sign up on the 'Express Interest' form.

2018 Rendezvous Participants: a U.S. geographical breakdown

Safe travels and thank you for making this year's Rendezvous such a great success!