2017 Rendezvous Review Camp and NGSS Tagging Camp
July 16, 2017, Albuquerque, NM
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
The third annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous features two opportunities for community members to earn travel assistance by (1) reviewing online materials for NAGT and InTeGrate or (2) tagging InTeGrate activities with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Participants in the Review Camp and NGSS tagging activity will receive a $500 stipend to offset travel and accommodation expenses of attending the Rendezvous. Stipends will be distributed 4 to 6 weeks after the conclusion of the Earth Educators' Rendezvous. You must be present for the entire camp to be eligible to receive a stipend.
Note: These events occur simultaneously so you will not be able to take part in both. If you apply to and are accepted for both, you will have to choose which one you wish to participate in.
Activity Review Camp
The Activity Review Camp will involve volunteers in reviewing teaching activities submitted from InTeGrate and other NAGT sponsored programs. This review will be very similar to previous Review Camps. Learn more and apply to be one of the 25 reviewers at the link above.
Application deadline: May 1, 2017
NGSS Tagging Camp
Participants in the NGSS Tagging Camp will review and tag teaching materials developed through InTeGrate with disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, cross-cutting concepts, and performance expectations from the Next Generation Science Standards. This effort seeks to help educators find resources that are well-aligned with the NGSS to broaden their utility both at the undergraduate level in preparing future teachers and expanding their use to the high school classroom. Up to 15 participants will be selected from those who apply for this activity. Applicants should be very familiar with the NGSS (more info) and the Framework for K-12 Science Education .
Application deadline: May 1, 2017