Pre-workshop Activity:
This workshop will utilize information from your institution and regional environmental issues that you can incorporate into a EJ (Environmental Justice) activity. Prior to the workshop, please consider collecting the following data from your institution and region.
1. Describe the age, race/ethnicity, socio-economic background of your students attending your classes. These factors often play a significant role in how students conceptualize issues that are important in teaching EJ concepts.
2. Identify up to three environmental issues that can be found in your region that students would be familiar with.
- Introductions
- PowerPoint Presentation: Day 1 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 11.2MB Jul18 17)
- What is EJ and how does is fit into the context of a introductory Earth Science course
- Overview of the InTeGrate Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resource module
- Discussion of various active pedagogy techniques that can be utilized in teaching EJ
- begin development of individual EJ course projects
- Monday Roadcheck
11:30 Adjourn for the day
8:30 - 11:30
- Overview of previous day material and discussions
- Successful assessment techniques for EJ
- Panel discussion on the challenges and successes in incorporating EJ into a Earth Science course.
- Tuesday Roadcheck
8:30 - 11:15 Workshop evaluation
- Group work and discussion of take-home EJ projects
- End of workshop evaluation
Additional Resources
Contributed by Wendi Williams:
The example mentioning Haiti made me think of Penn State's 4-part "Geospatial Revolution" streaming videos. Each are about 10 minutes long with professional captioning. If you go to YouTube for Geospatial Revolution:
- Episode 1 v=poMGRbfgp38 (I think this is the one that has Haiti)
- Episode 2 v=GXS0bsR0e7w
- Episode 3 v=OePOK6nzcaY
- Episode 4 v=9F7z9LLYxf8
Episodes 1 and 4 have very clear geosci applications...*but*, the other episodes really do show applications that I think are broad EJ applications that "capture" students interests and possible connection to what they want to major in (e.g. criminal justice, business, teacher, etc).
Contributed by Amy Telligman:
- EPA Screen:
- Also, my table discussed the book Dumping in Dixie by Bob Bullard.