Pre-Workshop Questions

The Spectrum of GER.
Consistent with the earlier geoscience education research community workshops, we are using an inclusive definition for what we mean by GER. We define it as involving the development, application, and evaluation of new geoscience teaching innovations and curricula, as well as the development and testing of geoscience education research questions and hypotheses. These can be characterized as the scholarship of geoscience teaching and learning (geo-SoTL), and geoscience discipline based educational research (geo-DBER), respectively. To learn more about these two ends of the GER spectrum go to the Publishing SoTL vs DBER in the GER Toolbox page:

Connection of your Work to Theories on How People Think and Learn.
Geoscience education research can be informed by theories on how people think and learn from the fields of education and psychology, as well as other social science fields.

Recommend Assessment Instruments and Surveys.
Assessment instruments and surveys are an essential to measuring learning objectives and testing research questions and hypotheses. The GER Toolbox contains an annotated list of ~30 instruments and surveys ( (opens in a new window)). These fall into three broad categories: (a) those used to measure perceptions, attitudes, and behavior, (b) those used to measure geoscience skills and content knowledge, and (c) others from outside GER that may have application to our disciplinary education research.

4. What is missing from the collection? Please use the form in the Toolbox to recommend additional instruments and surveys to be added: (opens in a new window)

Nature of GER Funding.
Research in any field often depends on some level of financial support.

Connections between GER and Undergraduate Geoscience Concepts and Workforce Skills.
Please read this overview document from the 2016 Summit on the Future of Undergraduate Education. It summarizes what geoscience educators and employers see as valuable concepts and skills for undergraduate geoscience students: (opens in a new window).