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Earth Educators'
Albuquerque, NM July 17-21, 2017
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Earth Educators Rendezvous
Previous Rendezvous
Rendezvous 2017
Morning Workshops
Neutralizing the Politicization of Climate Science and Energy Policy
Thursday Roadcheck
Neutralizing the Politicization of Climate Science and Energy Policy - Roadcheck
Please tell us about your experience at the workshop thus far. Your input is valuable to us as we plan the remaining workshop. Your responses to this survey will be kept confidential. The on-site staff member assigned to this workshop will remove any name in association with this response and will then share verbatim comments from all responses with the workshop convener(s).
Please let us know if there are items that need to be addressed that either have not been considered or discussed or that seem to be unresolved or were glossed over.
We value your perspective and expertise and we want to ensure your input and voice are heard and valued. Please let us know if you have any concerns with your ability to be heard or contribute.
If you have comments or suggestions you had not covered above, please share them below
Earth Educators Rendezvous
Rendezvous 2026
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Rendezvous 2018 to see 6 more...
Rendezvous 2017
Sunday Events
Morning Workshops
Preparing for an Academic Career
Developing (or Modifying) an Intro Geoscience Course Using InTeGrate Modules
Geoscience Education Research
Using Recreational Drones for STEM Explorations
Heads & Chairs Workshop: Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education
Connecting Science to Issues of Sustainability and Environmental Justice
Culture and Geoscience
Flipping your Classroom
GER Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative to see 8 more...
Designing your Course to Maximize Student Learning
Neutralizing the Politicization of Climate Science and Energy Policy
Pre-workshop Survey
Participant Workspace
End of Workshop Evaluation
Building Pathways for Success: Supporting student transfer from 2YC to 4YCU
Afternoon Mini Workshops
Roundtable Discussions
Plenary Sessions
Oral Sessions
Teaching Demonstrations
Poster Sessions
GER Forum
Saturday Field Trip
Contributed Program Planning Workspace
Participant Information
Planning Workspace
Rendezvous 2016
Rendezvous 2015
About the Rendezvous