
Before the workshop

Two small "assignments" you need to do ahead of time that will make our workshop more fruitful.



8:30 Introductions

Who are you? Who am I? What are our motivations? What are our goals? What are the stakes?

Results of pre-workshop survey questions

Part 1: Motivated reasoning & cultural cognition

8:45 Think/Pair/Share:Why don't people agree about climate change?

9:00 Guided discussion on these topics:

Comparison with other geoscience fields (structure, petrology, hydrology)

Identity & cultural cognition

Dan Kahan's work

The Deficit Model

Inoculation theory


Shoot (for a good) Messenger

"What would it take to convince you otherwise?"

9:30 Think/Pair/Share: How can you apply the findings of this discussion to your teaching/outreach?

9:50 Bathroom + Coffee break

Part 2: Logical fallacies

10:00 Think/Pair/Share: How do people go about disagreeing about climate change?

10:15 Guided discussion. Topics:

Richard Feynman: "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. The rest is basic honesty."

Chinese proverb: "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names."

Identifying logical fallacies and responding to them.

Handout: Climate change fallacies handout (Acrobat (PDF) 67kB Jul19 17)

Putting facts in the appropriate context.

Is it always about logic? Climate change arguments on Skeptical Science

10:30 (With partners) Brainstorm, refine, and hone effective responses to common climate change denial arguments.

11:00 Overview of InTeGrate carbon module unit 1

11:15 Assign homework (!!!)

Don't worry; it's fun. And short.

Example blog post about a YouTube video.

11:20 Road Check Thursday

11:30 Adjourn for the day


8:30 Review of yesterday and feedback.

A first stab at a summary of conversational guidelines. Let's edit this together.

8:40 Review homework:



Part 3: Storytelling

8:55 Think/pair/share: What makes for a memorable or compelling story? What role should stories play in our discussion?

Guided discussion. Topics:

"ABT":And... But... Therefore...

Narrative examples w/ climate change (Volk & "Dave" the carbon atom)

A role for analogies?

A role for media?

9:50 Bathroom + Coffee break

10:00 Part 4: The Carbon Cycle

Overview of InTeGrate carbon module units 2, 3, and 6

Guiding principle: Carbon on Earth is a finite quantity, but it moves between different parts of the Earth system.

The Suess effect

10:15 Example activity demo: Carbon cycle game (Unit 2)

10:30 Building your own plan to apply relevant insights from this workshop to your own teaching

11:15 Workshop evaluation

11:30 Adjourn