
Initial Publication Date: May 11, 2018

In addition to the ADVANCEGeo Partnership's bystander intervention workshops, this page contains a compilation of common training programs on bystander intervention and other strategies to address harassment, sexual violence, and bias.

Bystander intervention training

Hollaback! Online Training

Hollaback!'s online training platform prepares participants to be effective bystanders to public harassment incidents based on the "5 D's". In addition to training, Hollaback! curates contributed stories of street harassment to raise public awareness and also have an online anti-harassment campaign, HeartMob.

Green Dot

Green Dot workshops focus on intervening against acts of personal violence, including sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking and bullying for children and adults and is common on many college campuses.

NewPoint –Step UP! by the University of Arizona

Step UP! is a prosocial behavior and bystander intervention program that educates students to be proactive in helping others. They provide resources and workshops including scenarios to address a range of issues from harassment and assault to academic honesty and are also common on college campuses.

USGS STEPUP! Employee Empowerment Strategies (SEES): A Bystander Intervention Program Designed for Scientific Workplaces

The USGS SEES program is an anti-harassment program designed specifically for the scientific workplace, including offices, scientific conferences, and the field developed by scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA. The USGS SEES program goals are: 1) raise awareness of barriers to helping; 2) raise awareness of behaviors that can help; 3) increase attendees' motivation and desire to help; 4) help attendees develop skills and confidence when responding to various levels of harassment; and 5) ensure the safety and well-being of attendees. For more information, contact Moses Milazzo (moses @ and Alexandra Etheridge

More information about the USGS SEES program (Acrobat (PDF) 554kB May7 18)

Stephanie Goodwin and Confronting Prejudices Model

Stephanie Goodwin is the Director for Faculty Development & Leadership at Wright State University. She and her colleagues have created the Confronting Prejudices Response (CPR) Model, wherein direct confrontation provides communication opportunities that can lead to more inclusive climates.

PowerPlay by the University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire's PowerPlay Interactive Development uses roleplaying and acting to address issues relating to inclusive workplace climates. They provide a variety of workshops putting the attendees in the place of the observer and discovering ways to be an active bystander.

Bystander Training by the University of Massachusetts, Lowell

The U Mass-Lowell's Center for Women & Work offers bystander training as part of their NSF ADVANCE-funded Making Waves program.

Building a Better Fieldwork Future

The Building a Better Fieldwork Future developed by UC Santa Cruz reserchers offers bystander training for preventing sexual harassment and assault in field settings.

RAINN Prevention Navigator

The RAINN Prevention Navigator is a tool for identifying and reviewing sexual assault prevention programs that best fit your program's needs.

Implicit bias and social justice training

Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute (WISELI) at UW-Madison

The Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute (WISELI) at UW-Madison is a research center funded in part from an NSF ADVANCE grant. The center's goal is to increase representation and equity of women and underrepresented groups in faculty or other leadership positions. The center offers a variety of workshops, including two versions of their "Breaking the Bias Habit" workshop and a Searching For Excellence & Diversity workshop on the hiring process.

Prejudice and Intergroup Relations Lab at UW-Madison

The Prejudice and Intergroup Relations Lab run by Dr. Patricia G. Devine in the Psychology department at UW-Madison researches different challenges with prejudice and stereotypes in the daily lives of people. Dr. Devine offers a "Break the Prejudice Habit" workshop that teaches attendees how to intervene and empowers them to stand up to prejudice. More information on the workshop can be found on the lab website.

Veerasamy, Suthakaran. (2011). Using analogies to enhance self-awareness and cultural empathy: implications for supervision. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 39(4), 206-217.

Dr. Suthakaran is a cross-cultural psychology professor and researcher at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. He has developed racial bias training using analogies to increase self-awareness surrounding the topic of racism and privilege and increasing multicultural competence. He routinely runs racial bias trainings both in his classes and in response to campus hate-bias incidents.

Dena Samuels Consulting

Dena Samuels Consulting is a Diversity and Inclusion Consulting firm that offers a wide variety of options for building culturally inclusive environments in organizations and institutions as well as personalized online one-on-one coaching. Dr. Samuels is a professor of Women's & Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado – Colorado Springs where she directs the Matrix Center for the Advancement of Social Equity and Inclusion, and supervises and co-facilitates the Knapsack Institute: Transforming Teaching and Learning. Dr. Samuels has worked with the NSF-funded Hearts of GOLD (Geosciences Opportunities for Leadership in Diversity) project.

Workplace climate, codes of conduct and other resources

S*Marts Consulting: Making Conferences and Workplaces Safe and Welcoming

S*Marts Consulting is leading the effort to create conferences, events, and workplaces that are inclusive, safe, and welcoming. Their workshops, trainings, and consulting services empower staff, volunteers, and participants to stop and prevent harassment and bullying and to act as allies to members of marginalized groups. Dr. Sherry Marts has worked with a large number of professional and scientific societies across disciplines.

AGU Heads and Chairs Workshops

The American Geophysical Union Heads and Chairs program discusses important issues common to geophysical science departments, including research funding, program assessment, modernization of post-secondary curricula, increasing faculty diversity, and student career planning. It also holds annual workshops immediately prior to the AGU Fall Meeting and offers webinars throughout the year. The workshops are developed around the model of Building Strong Departments hosted by the Science Education Research Center (SERC).

Professionalism and Geoethics--Creating a Departmental "Climate" Where Everyone Can Succeed workshop facilitated by David Mogk

Professionalism refers to the attitudes and behaviors that impact interpersonal relations of all types in the workplace. The foundations of professionalism are based on the concepts of power, trust, respect, responsibility, justice, and fairness. The Professionalism and Geoethics--Creating a Departmental "Climate" Where Everyone Can Succeed workshop will introduce participants to the topics of geoethics, principles of professionalism, codes of ethics of professional societies, and provide a template for ethical decision making; promote awareness of factors that contribute to workplace "climate" (e.g., civility, microaggressions, implicit bias, empowering bystanders); address issues of (un)professional behaviors, especially sexual harassment/assault and bullying in the workplace (the scope of the problem and strategies to prevent or mitigate situations before they do real harm); explore topics of professionalism that will contribute to student success in preparation for the workforce; and suggest personal and institutional strategies that can be used by faculty to ensure that every one can succeed in your department.

Traveling Workshop Program by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)

NAGT's Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) brings national leaders in environmental, sustainability, and geoscience education to your campus, regional, or national event. The Traveling Workshops Program focuses on opportunities to strengthen both courses and programs, including attracting and supporting diverse students. To apply to host one of these workshops, go to the NAGT website and complete the application process.