Initial Publication Date: August 8, 2014
Activity 1:
The Structural Geology Mapping Challenge is a web based Google Earth exercise, where students outline bedding traces and measure strike and dip orientations to determine fold geometry. Students start with predetermined training locations, where their answers are automatically graded. Once training is done, students determine a fold axis by fitting a great circle to the bedding poles on an inset stereographic net. Students also fit an axial plane to the fold. More advanced features are in development.
Activity 2:
Create a fully-featured geologic map with ornamented / annotated lines and color-coded units using our web-based Google Earth tool using and outcrop data gathered in the field.
The Structural Geology Mapping Challenge is a web based Google Earth exercise, where students outline bedding traces and measure strike and dip orientations to determine fold geometry. Students start with predetermined training locations, where their answers are automatically graded. Once training is done, students determine a fold axis by fitting a great circle to the bedding poles on an inset stereographic net. Students also fit an axial plane to the fold. More advanced features are in development.
Activity 2:
Create a fully-featured geologic map with ornamented / annotated lines and color-coded units using our web-based Google Earth tool using and outcrop data gathered in the field.
Undergraduate-level structural geology and field mapping courses.
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
Activity 1:
Structural concepts, such as characterizing fold geometries, trend & plunge, axial plane orientation; stereonets
Activity 2:
Basic stratigraphic concepts (superposition, original horizontality, etc.), basic field mapping concepts, basic elements of geologic maps
Structural concepts, such as characterizing fold geometries, trend & plunge, axial plane orientation; stereonets
Activity 2:
Basic stratigraphic concepts (superposition, original horizontality, etc.), basic field mapping concepts, basic elements of geologic maps
How the activity is situated in the course
Not yet implemented. Both activities are in the development and testing phase.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
3-D structural orientation of geologic features from isolated point data, creation of geologic maps from field data
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Analyses of data, development of 3-D models,
Other skills goals for this activity
spatial thinking
Description and Teaching Materials
These activities are still in development, so supporting materials are still in development. The activities themselves are web-based, URLs are below:
Activity 1 (Structural Geology Mapping Challenge):
Instruction Manual for Structural Geology Mapping Challenge:
Activity 2 (Tool to build geologic maps):
Activity 1 (Structural Geology Mapping Challenge):
Instruction Manual for Structural Geology Mapping Challenge:
Activity 2 (Tool to build geologic maps):
Teaching Notes and Tips
Share your modifications and improvements to this activity through the Community Contribution Tool »
References and Resources