Workshop Program

Sunday, August 10
7:30 - 3:00 Optional Hike to Sacagawea Peak ($15; Leave dorms 7:30, Pick up others at Grantree Inn; Lunch on Ridge; Return in time to refresh). For an overview of this hike, please refer to the Trail Guide to Sacagawea Peak
5:00 Welcome and ice breaker: Student Union Building, Rooms 233/235
6:00 Dinner
6:30-8:00 Round table discussions over coffee and dessert:
- What do we mean by student research? What "counts" as authentic research?
- Respond to PCAST Engage to Excel (Acrobat (PDF) 2.8MB Jul25 14) report: what are the key findings and how can the geosciences best respond?
- What are the opportunities/challenges
- What resources are "out there"
- What resources do we need?
Monday, August 11
7:30 Continental Breakfast- Fruit, coffee, bagels, juice provided. Check out the Student Union for a full service breakfast.
8:00-8:15 Charge of the day
8:15-9:30 Demonstrations I (select one of the following; participatory lab work)
- Google Earth for Online and Distance Education (GEODE)--Mladen Dordevac and Heather Almquist; Room 140 Gaines Hall
- Research on Microbial Mats--Suki Smaglik; Room 047 Gaines Hall
9:30 - 9:45 Break SUB 233/235
9:45-10:30 Student Research Opportunities at Open Topography (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 337.8MB Aug11 14)--Ramon Arrowsmith (whole group, Sub 233/235)
10:30-11:45 Panel I - Designing an Effective Undergraduate Research Experience; Student Union 233/235
Moderator, Linda Reinen
- Supporting students to ask scientific questions: scaffolding up to doing research (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.7MB Aug11 14)--Kaatje Kraft
- Scientific Literature: transitioning from science fair project to original scientific research (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2MB Aug11 14)-- Avery Shinneman
- Designing a new undergraduate-research-focused course (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4.4MB Aug11 14)--Deanna van Dijk
Panel 1 Discussion Notes
12:00-12:45 Lunch
1:00 - 2:15 Demonstrations II (short demonstrations; choose 2 for ~ 30 minute presentations each; switch session half way through)
- Discovering and Identifying Microfossils (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4MB Sep22 14). (Activity Handout (Acrobat (PDF) 194kB Aug8 14); download Related Activities from DIG Field School) --Kathryn Hoppe; Room 047 Gaines Hall
- Citizen Scientist Projects (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 16.6MB Aug11 14)--Laura Guertin; Room 147 Gaines Hall Global Tree Banding Project
2:15-3:30 Demonstrations III (select one of the following; participatory lab work)
- Undergraduate Research Using UNAVCO Resources (Acrobat (PDF) 22.7MB Aug11 14)--Christine Puskas; Gaines Hall 140 UNAVCO map tools GPS velocity viewer (more info)
- Using Planetary Data in Undergraduate Research (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 12.9MB Aug11 14)--Erin Kraal; Download Introduction to JMARS (Acrobat (PDF) 91kB Aug10 14) and Related Images (Acrobat (PDF) 12.3MB Aug10 14), Gaines Hall 145
3:30-5:30 "SHARE FAIR" (and Refreshment Break) Informal interactions with posters, demonstrations of equipment, resources, and other materials; demonstrate what you are already doing; float an idea of a new project you'd like to do; get direct feedback from participants.... SUB 233/235
5:30 Road check and Daily Reflections Sub 233/235
6:00 Dinner--I-Ho's Korean Grill
7:00-8:30 Activity review session
Small groups will review: a) works in progress, to provide formative input (revision of ActivitySheets) or b) completed research projects, using the On the Cutting Edge Review Tool.
Tuesday, August 12
7:30 Continental Breakfast- Fruit, coffee, bagels, juice provided. Check out the Student Union for a full service breakfast.
8:00 Charge of the day
8:15-9:15 Panel II--"Best Practices" in Implementing Undergraduate Research; SUB 233/235
Moderator, Kathy Surpluss
- Developing Learning Communities (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 20.6MB Aug11 14) --Tania Anders
- Appropriate Collection, Use and Representation of Data in an Introductory Lab (PowerPoint 5MB Aug12 14) --Debra Woodall
- Student Perspectives on What Makes a Research Experience Worthwhile (Acrobat (PDF) 42kB Aug12 14) --Karen Kortz
9:15-9:30 Break; Sub 233/235
9:30-10:45 Demonstrations IV (select one of the following; participatory lab work)
- Undergraduate Research Using IRIS Resources (PowerPoint 5.5MB Aug12 14) -- John Taber and Michael Wysession; Gaines Hall 140
- Exercise handout and useful links (Microsoft Word 115kB Aug12 14)
10:45-12:00 Demonstration V (short demonstrations; choose 2 for ~ 30 minute presentations each; switch half way through)
- Global Change Model Using MATLAB (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.7MB Aug12 14) -- Michael Toomey; Gaines Hall 140
Related Resources:
Historical Earthquakes and Uplift/Subsidence of Sumatra from Coral Growth Rings - Introductory Version
Teaching activities using GeoMapApp
- The Florida River Project (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.8MB Aug22 14)--Kim Hannula; Gaines Hall 145
- Beach Profile--Becca Walker and Mark Boryta; Gaines Hall 147
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00 Field Research: Trip to Hyalite Creek and Reservoir to Collect Data in the Field
Leaders: Rick Dunning, Becca Walker, Jennifer Hargrave, Marianne Caldwell, Allison Beauregard; Jean Dixon; James Benes; Laurie Stahle; Tim Turnquist
- instrumentation (eH, pH, electrical conductivity....)
- stream gauging (gradient, cross section, discharge)
- sediment analysis (cobble/pebble count on point bars; bed load; suspended sediments)
- lake core analysis; secchi plates; nutrient and chlorophyll analysis
Wrap up discussion: What "works" in leading a field research project?
6:00 Barbecue at reservoir
Wednesday, August 13
7:30 Continental Breakfast- Fruit, coffee, bagels, juice provided. Check out the Student Union for a full service breakfast.
8:00-8:15 Charge of the day
8:15-9:30 Demonstrations VI (short demonstrations; choose 2 for ~ 30 minute presentations each; switch half way through)
- Introduction to Physical Geography and the (dreaded) gen-ed lab science requirement: Two lab projects to engage students in something that (they think) they have no interest in --Carsten Braun Gaines Hall 145
- Stream Table Modeling -- Lori Babcock and Dave Mogk; Gaines Hall 147
Hydrogeology--Nicholas Allmendinger, Gaines Hall 047
9:30-10:00 Break
10:00-11:00 Panel 3 Evaluation of Undergraduate Research
Panelists: Dave Mogk, Cinzia Cervato (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 139kB Aug13 14), Kim Hannula (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 101kB Aug13 14); discussion and summary
- Student Learning outcomes
- Quality of data/products
- Program Evaluation
- Other benefits: affective, attitudes towards science, motivations, career choices
Panel Discussion Notes
11:00-12:00 Panel 4 Scale Up and Funding Undergraduate Research SUB 233/235
Discussion Leaders: Deb Woodall and Juk Bhattacharyya
Documents provided by Juk Bhattacharyya Research Skills Development for Students (Acrobat (PDF) 275kB Aug10 14) and Research Skills Development Defined by Researchers (Acrobat (PDF) 164kB Aug10 14)
Round table discussions in small groups to identify strategies and practices to a) provide access for ALL students to engage undergraduate research and b) secure institutional or external support for undergraduate research; What resources are "out there"? What resources do we need? Summary and report out. Whole Group Discussion to Brainstorm!
12:00-1:00 Lunch (Formation of Working Groups (TBD) Working lunch with small groups. Identify topics of interest to further develop web content, resources, activities, etc...... SUB 233/2351:00-4:00 Working Group Time (space in SUB, classrooms....)
4:00-4:30 Personal Work Plan/Reflection Time (what am I going to do when I return to campus?)
4:30-5:30 Town Hall Meeting
- Report outs from working groups: progress made, next steps (by whom, what and when)?
- Next steps: AGU theme session, ....,
- Workshop Evaluation
5:30 Shuttle Down Town for Dinner; on your own
Thursday, August 14 Optional Field Trip to Yellowstone
7:00 Pick up at Dorm; Pick up others at GranTree inn; continental breakfast (bagels, juice); Travel south on US 191 to West Yellowstone (1.5 hours, bathroom); in YNP stops at Fountain Paint Pots, Midway Geyser Basin, possibly Old Faithful, Norris Hot Springs; Mammoth Terraces; dinner and a soak at Chico Hot Springs. Return to Bozeman ca. 9:00 PM. It's a long day but well worth it.