Useful Web Sites for Teaching Sedimentary Geology

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Results 1 - 10 of 96 matches

Exploring the Grand Canyon, USA Virtual Field Trip part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This immersive virtual field trip provides the opportunity to explore the geology of the Grand Canyon, via a virtual field trip. Users can explore the immersive field trip on their own or take a ...

Red Rocks 'Virtual Field Trip' - Karijini Gorge, Oak Creek Canyon, and Mars part of SERC Web Resource Collection

On this virtual field trip, students can explore Karijini Gorge in Australia and Oak Creek Canyon in Sedona, AZ, searching for clues to the environments that formed the red rocks there. Observe these ...

Layers in Time - Ediacaran Golden Spike Australia, Virtual Field Trip part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Explore the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (abbreviated GSSP, and often referred to as a Golden Spike), for the Ediacaran in this virtual field trip. The Ediacaran Period named after ...

Living Microorganisms, Shark Bay Australia, Virtual Field Trip part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Explore Shark Bay, Australia, through this virtual field trip. Three thousand years ago microbes started building up stromatolites in Shark Bay, and this location contains diverse and abundant ...

Marble Bar, Western Australia Virtual Field Trip part of SERC Web Resource Collection

The Marble Bar Chert of Western Australia, is one of the earliest sedimentary deposits on Earth. The Marble Bar Chert, along with the presence of pillow basalts, could be an important part of ...

Virtual Microscope for Earth Sciences part of SERC Web Resource Collection

The Virtual Microscope was developed for undergraduate teaching of petrology and geoscience at the Open University in the United Kingdom, allowing students to explore rock hand specimens and thin ...

Cosmochemistry Illustrated part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This website offers short PowerPoint presentations that provide extraterrestrial examples of terrestrial topics. Longer presentations are also available for anyone wishing to go into more ...

Photos of structural geology part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This page contains four categories of structural geology photos: brittle structures, ductile structures, active tectonics, and unconformities. All photos are freely downloadable and are at ...

Geology photo search page part of SERC Web Resource Collection

This page contains a search engine to locate specific photos by keyword. All photos are freely downloadable and are at resolutions sufficient for power point.

Yellow River Delta 1989-2009 part of SERC Web Resource Collection

Series of Landsat color images shows China's Huang He (Yellow River) Delta at 5 year intervals from 1989-2009 with changes in growth patterns, channel switching, delta environments, new delta ...