Initial Publication Date: September 20, 2006
WSU GeoAnalytical Laboratory
Washington State University
Contact Information
Diane Johnson/Richard Conrey
Instrument Type
WHOLE ROCK ANALYSIS - XRF X-ray Fluorescence
Thermo-ARL Advant'XP+
Whole-rock analysis (major and trace element)
Typical Use:
A one year old Thermo-ARL Advant'XP+ (replacing our 17 year old Rigaku!) is used to determine the concentrations of 27 major and trace elements by XRF for whole rocks or mineral separates. All samples are analyzed with the same automated routine using a Rh target and a heavy (2:1 Li2B4O7: rock) fused bead, which gives us excellent signal for many trace elements and eliminates the need for sample splitting. Grinding media include agate, WC, and Fe. LOI is determined for an additional fee, otherwise all sample preparation from bulk rock is included in our research or commercial price. Please see our web page for details about sample submission.
Conditions for Use:
Submitted samples will be analyzed on a contract basis (i.e. lab personnel will do the work). Visitors are invited to work in the lab to work with lab personnel.
User Fees:
Acquisition of our instrument was supported by NSF. We charge $40/sample at the present time for research samples ($100 commercial) for our 27 element routine. We require precise location data (confidential) to ensure that only properly located research samples receive the lower price.
Instrument Priorities:
Priority of analysis is on a date received basis unless one pays a rush surcharge. We will try to accommodate visitors and students but our (typically student) employees have priority of access to our equipment at all times.
Remote Use:
No. The instrument is fully automated (and runs 24/7/365) but can only be operated from within our laboratory.
Sample Preparation:
We accept rocks, sawn slabs, chips, glasses, powders, or prepared (2:1) fused beads. Powders often need regrinding due to coarseness especially if ground in agate or ceramic - we require the powder to be very fine and lack any grittiness on a filter paper smudge. We do offer a price break for fused beads (often need polishing and testing of the tetraborate for contaminants), but our price for other submitted samples is the same. Samples should be dry and of sufficient size to be representative (at least 30 gm normally). We can analyze small samples (probably less than 2 gm with our new 8 mm masking ability) but the potential for contamination rises dramatically as size shrinks. Please consult with us before submission of very small samples.
Standard Collections/Lab Blanks:
We utilize a range of international standards for our calibration curves - at present 23 standards are used but we are working on expanding the set. We participate regularly in the Geoproficiency testing program.
We typically provide data via e-mail in an Excel4.0 spreadsheet, but in special cases can provide CD or paper copy or other formats.
Educational Use:
Class demonstrations are available for undergraduates.
Class demonstrations are available for K-12.
Undergraduate student research projects are invited.
Graduate student research projects are invited.
Class demonstrations are available for K-12.
Undergraduate student research projects are invited.
Graduate student research projects are invited.
Support provided by:
Our instruments (both current Thermo-ARL and older Rigaku) were funded by a collaboration between NSF, the Murdoch Foundation, and WSU.