Initial Publication Date: December 2, 2009

WiscSIMS - The Wisconsin Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer/ Ion Microprobe Laboratory

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Contact Information

John Valley




Instrument Type

MASS SPECTROMETERS - Stable isotopes
MASS SPECTROMETERS - SIMS, Secondary ion mass spectroscopy, or Dynamic SIMS
MASS SPECTROMETERS - Ion Probe (e.g., SHRIMP or equivalent)

CAMECA IMS-1280, large radius multi-collector ion microprobe


Surface analysis

Typical Use:

The most common applications are analysis of oxygen or carbon isotope ratios, in situ, with a 10 micron spot.

Conditions for Use:

Visitors are invited to work in the lab to work with lab personnel Visitors are invited to work in the lab to design and do the work yourself

User Fees:

NSF-funded projects pay a subsidized fee of $1800 per 12-hour day for days of analysis. For measurement of oxygen isotope ratio (18/16) with a 10 micron spot, ~110 spot-analyses are made on samples and 40 analyses on standards in 12 hours.

Instrument Priorities:

Projects that are funded by NSF receive priority.

Remote Use:


Sample Preparation:

Samples must be 25mm in diameter (epoxy mount, rock chip, or thin section), polished to a smooth, low relief surface with appropriate standards mounted in the center. See the WiscSIMS web site and consult with WiscSIMS staff.

Standard Collections/Lab Blanks:

See the WiscSIMS web site and:
Valley JW and Kita NT (2009) In situ Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry by Ion Microprobe, In: Fayek M. (ed) MAC Short Course: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry in the Earth Sciences, v 41, 19-63


Data reduction is done on-line during analysis with CAMECA software and Excel.

Educational Use:

Graduate student research projects are invited

Support provided by:

The WiscSIMS Lab is partially funded as a National Facility for in situ stable isotope analysis by NSF-EAR-IF.