Initial Publication Date: January 5, 2004
Cameron Electron Probe Lab
Contact Information
John Fournelle
Instrument Type
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - SEM scanning electron microscope (including BSE, back-scattered electron detector)
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EDS energy dispersive spectrometer
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - CL cathodoluminescence detector +/- spectrometer
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EMPA electron microprobe; wavelength dispersive spectrometers
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EDS energy dispersive spectrometer
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - CL cathodoluminescence detector +/- spectrometer
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EMPA electron microprobe; wavelength dispersive spectrometers
Cameca SX51
Typical Use:
Chemical analysis of micron-size domains of minerals, glasses, ceramics, metals, etc. X-ray maps and BSE and CL images. EDS capability. Light element (Be-F) analysis.
Conditions for Use:
Submitted samples will be analyzed on a contract basis (i.e. lab personnel will do the work).
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to work with lab personnel.
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to design and do the work yourself.
Training Session (short course) is offered.
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to work with lab personnel.
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to design and do the work yourself.
Training Session (short course) is offered.
User Fees:
UW rate: machine time: $30/hr daytime, $20/hr evening ($15/hr mapping); 24 hours for $480; personnel time add $30/hr
Other educational/non-profit users: add 45% to above rate for required overhead add-on.
Other educational/non-profit users: add 45% to above rate for required overhead add-on.
Instrument Priorities:
Users sign up on web calendar (in the web page above); in periods of heavy usage each user can only be signed up for 3 sessions in the future.
Remote Use:
Sample Preparation:
Details given on web page above.
Standard Collections/Lab Blanks:
Contact lab manager if you need standards that may be unusual.
We use the industrial strength and extremely versatile Probe for Windows EPMA software, and MicroImage for imaging, and WinEDS for EDS.
Educational Use:
Class demonstrations are available for undergraduates.
Class demonstrations are available for K-12.
Undergraduate student research projects are invited.
Graduate student research projects are invited.
Tutorials and other educational materials related to the lab are available.
Class demonstrations are available for K-12.
Undergraduate student research projects are invited.
Graduate student research projects are invited.
Tutorials and other educational materials related to the lab are available.
Support provided by:
SX51 purchased with funding from the following sources:
National Science Foundation
UW-Madison Grad School
UW-Madison College of Engineering
UW-Madison College of Letters and Science
National Science Foundation
UW-Madison Grad School
UW-Madison College of Engineering
UW-Madison College of Letters and Science