Initial Publication Date: June 22, 2006
Electron Microbeam Analytical Laboratory
University of Michigan
Contact Information
Gordon Moore, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, CC-EMAL Manager
Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Rm 2534, C.C. Little Bldg
1100 N University Ave
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1005
Research Scientist, CC-EMAL Manager
Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Rm 2534, C.C. Little Bldg
1100 N University Ave
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1005
Instrument Type
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EDS energy dispersive spectrometer
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - CL cathodoluminescence detector +/- spectrometer
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EMPA electron microprobe; wavelength dispersive spectrometers
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - CL cathodoluminescence detector +/- spectrometer
ELECTRON MICROBEAM - EMPA electron microprobe; wavelength dispersive spectrometers
Typical Use:
Conditions for Use:
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to work with lab personnel.
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to design and do the work yourself.
Visitors are invited to work in the lab to design and do the work yourself.
User Fees:
Contact Gordon Moore for current rates.
Instrument Priorities:
depends on priorities of department users
Remote Use:
Sample Preparation:
Quantitative work requires a polished sample. No superglue, no crystalbond.
Standard Collections/Lab Blanks:
a large collection of mineral and synthetic standards
new CAMECA package
Educational Use:
Class demonstrations are available for undergraduates.
Class demonstrations are available for K-12.
Undergraduate student research projects are invited.
Graduate student research projects are invited.
A fee arrangement would have to be made for demonstrations.
Class demonstrations are available for K-12.
Undergraduate student research projects are invited.
Graduate student research projects are invited.
A fee arrangement would have to be made for demonstrations.
Support provided by:
NSF 99-11352