Additional Resources
This is a collection of websites and internet resources that are hand-picked for teaching hydrogeology at the undergraduate level. If you have an internet resource or website you would like to share, please let us know.
Subject: Geoscience
Subject: Hydrology
- 44 matches General/Other
- Ground Water 163 matches
- Surface Water 51 matches
Subject: Ground Water
- 32 matches General/Other
- Aquifer properties 8 matches
- Contaminant hydrology 27 matches
- Field methods in hydrogeology 5 matches
- Geology of groundwater occurrence 8 matches
- Groundwater flow 8 matches
- Groundwater modeling 18 matches
- Unsaturated zone/recharge 3 matches
- Water and society, policy, and management 41 matches
- Water cycle/groundwater-surface water interface 12 matches
- Water quality/chemistry 61 matches
- Water supply/water resource evaluation 22 matches
- Well hydraulics 2 matches
Results 1 - 10 of 163 matches
Through Tribal Eyes: Change on the Menominee Nation part of CLEAN Collection
In this video, members of the Menominee nation discuss their experiences with climate change.Learn more about this review process.
What-a-cycle part of CLEAN Collection
In this activity, students act as water molecules and travel through parts of the water cycle (ocean, atmosphere, clouds, glaciers, snow, rivers, lakes, ground, aquifer). Students use a diagram of ...Learn more about this review process.
Geology photo search page part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This page contains a search engine to locate specific photos by keyword. All photos are freely downloadable and are at resolutions sufficient for power point.
The Edwards Aquifer Homepage part of SERC Web Resource Collection
The Edwards Aquifer is one of the most prolific artesian aquifers in the world, serving the diverse needs of almost two million users in south central Texas. Users can access materials that cover all ...
Monotoring Saltwater Intrusion with Robowell at Provincetwon, Massachusetts part of SERC Web Resource Collection
Robowell is an automated process for monitoring selected ground-water-quality properties and constituents. It was developed to provide a cost effective monitoring system that met protocols expected ...
Groundwater Stewardship in Oregon part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This Oregon State University site offers in-depth information on groundwater including: human impacts, protection, contamination, regulations, agencies, community action, and community stewardship. ...
EPA Ground Water and Drinking Water part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This EPA site is a small portal to a variety of groundwater and drinking education resources. Major topics include local drinking water, source water protection, drinking water standards, public ...
Monitoring and Assessing Our Nation's Water Quality part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This is a fact sheet on the water quality programs directly administered by the USGS. USGS provides information on issues such as the suitability of water for public supply and irrigation, aquatic ...
USGS Ground Water Information Pages part of SERC Web Resource Collection
The pages at this site are designed to provide useful information about groundwater resources and activities of the United States Geological Survey. Included are links to groundwater data, a ...
Effects of Human Activities on the Interaction of Ground Water and Surface Water part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This information describes how human activities affect ground water and ground water recharge. After a discussion of point and nonpoint sources of contaminants, there is information about the effects ...