Initial Publication Date: October 20, 2008
Ingrid Hendy
Geological Sciences
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
I teach large undergraduate classes (100-400 students) in oceanography and climate change. My interest in this workshop is to produce an inquiry-based classroom activity suitable for a class larger than 100 students that connects heat redistribution on the planet with hurricanes and climate change. I would like to use this activity in my introductory oceanography class to bring together concepts we cover in physical and chemical oceanography. I would like students to use knowledge they have gained in this section (1/3rd) of the course to make predictions on the response of hurricanes to global warming. I am comfortable with teaching them that we do not (as yet) have the answer to 'What will be the response of hurricanes to the greenhouse effect'.
My research involves understanding climate change processes in relation to ocean and atmospheric circulation associated with rapid climate change in the past. I generally work in the last 60,000 years and although the farthest back in time I have gone is the Miocene, I am about to begin some exciting work on the interaction of ENSO and the PDO climate signals with millennial-scale climate change over the last 2 kyr in southern California. Previous research has used faunal assemblages and stable isotopes of foraminifera, redox and bulk sediment geochemistry, grainsize among other methods to deconvolve the processes controlling past climate change.
1993 BSc University of Waikato, New Zealand
1995 MSc University of Waikato, New Zealand
2000 PhD University of California, Santa Barbara

Geological Sciences
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
I teach large undergraduate classes (100-400 students) in oceanography and climate change. My interest in this workshop is to produce an inquiry-based classroom activity suitable for a class larger than 100 students that connects heat redistribution on the planet with hurricanes and climate change. I would like to use this activity in my introductory oceanography class to bring together concepts we cover in physical and chemical oceanography. I would like students to use knowledge they have gained in this section (1/3rd) of the course to make predictions on the response of hurricanes to global warming. I am comfortable with teaching them that we do not (as yet) have the answer to 'What will be the response of hurricanes to the greenhouse effect'.
My research involves understanding climate change processes in relation to ocean and atmospheric circulation associated with rapid climate change in the past. I generally work in the last 60,000 years and although the farthest back in time I have gone is the Miocene, I am about to begin some exciting work on the interaction of ENSO and the PDO climate signals with millennial-scale climate change over the last 2 kyr in southern California. Previous research has used faunal assemblages and stable isotopes of foraminifera, redox and bulk sediment geochemistry, grainsize among other methods to deconvolve the processes controlling past climate change.
1993 BSc University of Waikato, New Zealand
1995 MSc University of Waikato, New Zealand
2000 PhD University of California, Santa Barbara