The Hurricane - Climate Change Connection: Bringing Cutting Edge Research into the Classroom
A Virtual Workshop held October 20-24, 2008
Hurricanes and climate change are in the news. This makes them useful topics for engaging students in geoscience, however, science in the news can be easy to misunderstand. What does current research on climate change say about hurricane frequency and intensity? What does research say about hurricane damage in the future? This virtual workshop is designed to help faculty incorporate this timely topic in their teaching by providing presentations by leading scientists, discussion of current teaching resources, and feedback on activities developed by participants. Each participant will leave the workshop with an activity designed for use in their own teaching.
Over the course of the workshop, participants will be expected to explore on-line resources, attend virtual presentations and discussions, create an activity for use in their course, and provide feedback on others' activities. The time commitment will be equivalent to a 2.5 day workshop but spread over the entire week and will include individual exploration, synchronous and asynchronous events. We will schedule the synchronous blocks to maximize participation.
Workshop Conveners
Cathryn Manduca (Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College), Ned Gardiner (American Museum of Natural History), Jenni Evans (Penn State University), and Karin Kirk (Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College)
Workshop Speakers
- Jenni Evans, Penn State University
- Tom Knutson, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
This workshop is part of the On the Cutting Edge professional development program for current and future geoscience faculty, supported by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers with funding provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Education .