Initial Publication Date: October 20, 2008
Christopher Van de Ven Van de Ven
Albion College
611 E Porter St.
Albion, MI 49224
517.629.0264 (fax)

My research involves examining the topographic and geologic controls on plant distributions in eastern California, and the impacts of climate change on
those distributions of plants.

Next semester, I will be teaching a new seminar course on climate change for Albion College's Honors Institute. I regularly teach courses on GIS and remote sensing, and have frequently taught natural hazards and environmental geology.

Currently, I have separate exercises on hurricanes and climate change, but none that combine the two. I have used these in teaching separate sections on each topic for my natural hazards class.

I would like to develop a teaching activity that uses very basic GIS analysis in a case-based investigative learning exercise, but am open to any type of interactive exercise.