Recommended Readings

Initial Publication Date: June 26, 2009


1. Selinus, O, Alloway, B; Finkelman, R.B; Fuge, R; Lindh, U and Smedley, P (editors), 2005. Essentials of Medical Geology, Elsevier, Inc; 812 p.

Most comprehensive work that covers a wide range of topics related to geology and health; includes detailed discussion of environmental biology, pathways and exposures, environmental toxicology, pathology, and techniques and tools useful in medical geology. Articles have been authored by 60 internationally-acclaimed experts from 20 countries. This superbly- illustrated publication can serve as an excellent textbook for a course in Geology and Health.

2. Skinner, H. C.W; and Berger, A.R. (editors), 2003. Geology and Health: Closing the Gap; Oxford University Press, 179 p.

First book from a major publisher on the subject that includes articles from geoscientists, biologists, and health professional dealing with issues of human health and well-being in a series of 26 short articles. This is a good resource for gaining an overview and scope of the geology and health specialty.

3. National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, 2007. Earth Materials and Health: Research Priorities for Earth Science and Public Health; Washington, DC; National Academies Press,176 p.

Discusses the current state of knowledge in medical geology and recommends priority research directions and mechanisms for promoting collaboration between earth and health scientists. NRC's recommendations usually translate into research funding from federal agencies, such as NSF, NIEH, and others.

4. Moller, L (editor), 2000. Environmental Medicine; Joint Industrial Safety Council, Sweden, 327 p.

This book highlights the relationship between diseases and environmental factors, including earth materials and processes and can serve as a required reading in medical school curriculum.

5. Koch, T, 2005. Geographies of Disease: Maps, Mapping, and Medicine. Redlands, CA; ESRI Press, 388 p.

An excellent book that integrates earth science tools of maps and GIS in the occurrence and propagation of infectious diseases. Use of maps in medicine from the 16th century to modern time is included in the discussions.

6. Barrett, F.A; 2000. Disease and Geography: The History of an Idea. Geographical Monograph No. 23,Geography Department, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 571 p.

Provides a thorough review of history of application of earth science in the medical field from the mid 5th century BC to mid 20th century AD. The author has painstakingly researched materials in eight languages−Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Latin, and Italian−to garner the wealth of information that have been condensed in this volume. The book is a great resource for those who are looking for historical literature spanning 2 ½ millennia. The bibliography running into 31 pages will lead researchers to various sources.

Professional Organizations

1. Geological Society of America, Geology & Health Division

2. International Medical Geology Association (more info) , Sweden

Compiled by Syed Hasan for the 2010 Workshop on Geology and Human Health

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