Teaching Materials
Health Topics
Results 11 - 15 of 15 matches
Comparing Sunscreens part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Teaching with Data:Examples
Students use a microcomputer connected to an ultra-violet sensor to compare the relative blocking power of different SPF sunscreens for the UVB region of the solar spectrum. -
Superfund Case Study part of Introductory Courses:Activities
This exercise is meant to reinforce concepts covered in the whole course. It helps students integrate concepts from risk and toxicology, air, water and soil pollution, regulation and remediation technology.
Arsenic on Main St., Unity ME part of Service Learning:Activities
The ultimate plan is organizing a "Water Quality Fair" for residents of the Unity, ME area (rural farming region). Conceptually, students would analyze water samples brought into the community center ...
Minerals in the Biosphere part of Workshop 04:Activities
Class is meant to expore 1)the continuum of geological, geochemical and biochemical environments 2)the logic in health issues in the USA 3)provide a multidisciplinary approach to personal and public health. -
Explorations of Spatial Distributions of Environmental and Health-Related Data part of Workshop 04:Activities
This activity introduces the student to basic concepts of spatial distribution of environmental and health data with an easy to use on-line mapping program. -